Department of Soil and Crop SciencesDepartment of Soil and Crop Sciences

Soil ScienceSeedlingHarvest

Soil and Crop Sciences can prepare you for a challenging career in many areas including: soil and crop management, plant breeding and genetics, seed science, environmental soil science, soil resources and conservation, and ecosystem management.  Other exciting areas include organic agriculture, water science/irrigation and beneficial use of waste products.  A primary concern to all soil and crop scientists is the protection of our natural resources.  The Soil and Crop Sciences program places special emphasis on establishing career skills, involvement in research and extension activities, hands-on experience and a fundamental understanding of basic sciences.

Soil and Crop Sciences encompasses the study of the plant, soil, and water resources that are foundational to all agroecosystems. It includes the production and management of food, feed, and fiber crops to meet human needs and the simultaneous protection of our environment. We have a national as well as a world-wide role in improving crop and soil technology.

Soil and Crop Sciences works to integrate genetic diversity, improved soil quality, and efficient use of water resources into sustainable agroecosystems. It simultaneously tries to protect and conserve genetic and soil resources against deterioration and even improve them. This role is mandatory because the world's rapidly increasing population places great pressure on land for food supplies and on environmental quality for human comfort and well-being.

The curriculum is diverse and career opportunities exist at all degree levels in both the private sector (environmental assessment and in the rapidly growing environmental consulting profession) and in the public sector (state and federal health and environmental agencies, natural resource agencies, state and national parks services).

Upcoming Events

Department Main Office:     Plant Sciences C127    Colorado State University     Fort Collins, CO 80523     Voice: 970-491-6517     Fax: 970-491-0564     CAS_SCS@Mail.ColoState.Edu