Long-spined Spineflower [Chorizanthe polygonoides T. & G. var. longispina (Goodman) Munz]

Long-spined Spineflower [Chorizanthe polygonoides T. & G. var. longispina (Goodman) Munz]

Listing CNPS List 1B R-E-D Code 2-2-2

State/Federal. Status -- /C2 POLYGONACEAE Apr.-Jul.

Global Rank G5T3? State Rank S2S3

Distribution: San Diego County, Riverside County, Santa Barbara County; Baja California, Mexico

Habitat: This small annual is typically found on clay lenses which are largely devoid of shrubs. It can be occasionally seen on the periphery of vernal pool habitat and even on the periphery of montane meadows near vernal seeps. At Cuyamaca Lake it grows on Boomer stony loams, while on Kearney Mesa it occurs on Redding gravelly loams.

Known Sites: Long-spined Spineflower is well distributed around the vernal pool complex on Kearney Mesa. It is found in similar habitat, at a much higher elevation, on the western periphery of Cuyamaca Lake. A small population was noted near mima mounds on Carmel Mountain. Another small colony was seen on Point Loma near the road to the tidepools and the active lighthouse. It grows with the miniscule population of Chorizanthe orcuttiana at Oak Crest Park in Encinitas. Herbarium specimens examined for San Diego County include sites at Barber Mountain, Oak Grove Valley, Corte Madera, and east of Kearney Villa Road near the old water tank. In western Riverside County it was found on the southern flanks of Alberhill in clay soils. A large population occurs on open flats near Idaleona Road on the Gavilan Plateau.

Six voucher specimens from Baja California are found at the herbarium of the San Diego Natural History Museum; south to 31 56' North where collected by Moran (SD 105213) six kilometers northwest of Ojos Negros.

Status: Long-spined Spineflower is substantially declining in San Diego County and Riverside County as much of its habitat -- level terrain devoid of much vegetation -- is developed for housing tracts and light industrial uses. Substantial portions of all sizeable populations should be protected.

Copyright © May 1994 Craig H. Reiser.

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