Rare Plants of San Diego County

Appendix 1. Plant Sensitivity Guidelines


Listings by USFWS and CDFG carry regulatory authority, while other listings herein are generally advisory in nature and serve to monitor and inform.

Federally Listed and Candidate Species

FE Federal Endangered Species

Listed as Endangered by the federal government under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Taxa that are in danger of becoming extinct throughout all or a significant portion of their range.

FT Federal Threatened Species

Listed as Threatened by the federal government under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Taxa which are likely to become Endangered in the foreseeable future in the absence of special protection.

C1 Federal Candidate, Category 1:

Taxa for which the USFWS has sufficient biological information to support a proposal to list as endangered or threatened.

C2 Federal Candidate, Category 2:

Taxa for which existing information suggests listing may be warranted, but for which substantial biological information to support a proposed rule is lacking.

C3 Federal Candidate, Category 3:

Taxa that were once being considered for listing as Threatened or Endangered by the federal government but are not currently receiving such consideration.

C3a Federal Candidate, Category 3a:

Taxa which are believed extinct.

C3b Federal Candidate, Category 3b:

Taxa which do not meet the Endangered Species Act's definition of a species.

C3c Federal Candidate, Category 3c:

Taxa more common than previously thought, no longer being considered for listing at this time.

C1R "Recommended" for Category 1 status U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Taxa which currently have no official status under the Endangered Species Act but for which sufficient biological information exists to support listing as a Category 1 species.

C2R "Recommended" for Category 2 status U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Taxa which currently have no official status under the Endangered Species Act but for which sufficient biological information exists to support listing as a Category 2 species.

California Listed and Candidate Species

CE California Endangered Species

A native California taxa which is in serious danger of becoming extinct throughout all or a significant portion of its range (Fish & Game Code 2062).

CT California Threatened Species

A native California taxa which, although not presently threatened with extinction, is likely to become an endangered species in the foreseeable future in the absence of special protection and management efforts (Fish & Game Code 2067).

California Native Plant Society R-E-D Code

R (Rarity)

E (Endangerment)

D (Distribution)

Global Ranking

Species or Natural Community Level

Subspecies Level

Subspecies receive a T-rank attached to the G-rank. With the subspecies, the G-rank reflects the condition of the entire species; whereas, the T-rank reflects the global situation of just the subspecies.

State Ranking


1) Rank may be expressed as a range of values; hence S2S3 means the rank is somewhere between S2 and S3.
2) Adding ? to the rank, such as in S2?, represents more certainty than S2S3, but less than S2.
3) "GH" indicates that all sites are historical; the element has not been seen for at least 20 years but suitable habitat still exists.
4) "SH" indicates that all California sites are historical.
5) "GX" indicates that all sites are extirpated and this element is extinct in the wild.
6) "SX" indicates all California sites are extirpated.
7) "GXC" indicates this element is extinct in the wild but exists in cultivation.
8) "G1Q" indicates this element is very rare, but there is a taxonomic question associated with it.

Copyright © May 1994 Craig H. Reiser.

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