Bear Valley Woollypod [Astragalus leucolobus Jones]

Bear Valley Woollypod [Astragalus leucolobus Jones]

Listing CNPS List 1B R-E-D Code 2-2-3

State/Federal. Status -- /C2 FABACEAE May-Jul.

Global Rank G2 State Rank S2.2

Distribution: San Bernardino County, Los Angeles County, Riverside County

Habitat: Montane Coniferous Forest and Pebble Pavement Plain are the reported habitat for this herbaceous perennial; particularly dry pine woods, gravelly knolls among sagebrush, and stony lake shores. In the Santa Rosa Mountains this small locoweed grows in relatively dry, semi-shaded locales beneath conifers.

Known Sites: Bear Valley Woollypod is locally well distributed on Santa Rosa Peak north of the San Diego County line in Riverside County. One old report by Moran (SD 67902) is from nearby, on the bare north slope of a ridge, 1 mile northwest of Toro Peak, southeast of the Stump Spring Campground in Riverside County. The Santa Rosa Mountains have not been examined with much scrutiny by prior botanists working in the region. A herbarium specimen at SD is recorded from the road to Table Mountain northwest of Big Pines near the summit at 7,400 feet in Los Angeles County. Reported by Barneby from the San Antonio Mountains of Los Angeles County to the east end of the San Bernardino Mountains and the Santa Rosa Mountains; including the Bear Valley and Baldwin Lake region. Data Base entries for San Bernardino County include the north shore of Baldwin Lake, the Mohave View Unit of the Bear Valley Preserve, Eagle Point in Bear Valley, 0.4 airmile southeast of the well at Cienaga Seca on Onyx Peak, Castle Glen area near Big Bear Lake, Sugarloaf near the northern terminus of Dixie Lee Road, Arrastre Flat, Lower Holcomb Valley, by the roadside between Hanna Flat and Fawnskin, east of Arrastre Creek near Road 2N02, on dry benches at Coon Creek, at Cactus Flat in Cushenbury Canyon, at Hanna Flat between Holcomb Creek and Fawnskin Valley, at Caribou Creek near Belleville between Holcomb Valley and Arrastre Flat, west of Big Bear City on the north side of Highway 38 approximately 0.6 mile east of the Stanfield Cutoff, at Sugarloaf between the edge of town and Highway 38; for Los Angeles County at Table Mountain above Wrightwood; for Kern County a questionable identification in Cuddy Canyon at Cuddys Valley; for Ventura County a questionable identification at the summit of Mount Pinos; and for Riverside County on the top of Santa Rosa Peak.

Status: This species is presumed stable in its montane habitat; development near Big Bear Lake could be impacting potential habitat. The status of Bear Valley Woollypod is unknown in San Diego County. This species is likely present in the Santa Rosa Mountains within San Diego County; however, no collections or specific sites could be located.

Copyright © May 1994 Craig H. Reiser.

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