The 10th International Congress of Ecology, INTELCOL, Brisbane,Australia 16-21 August 2009

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Ecology in a Changing Climate
Two Hemispheres - One Globe

Abstract Submission

Abstracts submitted as posters (conference or public) should show sufficient rigour and relevance to the conference themes.  Posters will be grouped into related topic areas to be assigned to different poster sessions, including public posters whose design and communication is directed to the general public.

Abstracts of talks will be assessed for rigour and relevance as for the posters. Where there are too many talks to fill the available slots for spoken papers, the following criteria will be used to select the abstracts that will go into the spoken program:

a) If there are unused spaces in any symposia, high quality submitted presentations relevant to that symposium theme will first be selected to fill those spaces

b) Then submissions will be ranked into broad bands according to scientific rigour and relevance to the themes of the conference. Abstracts in higher bands will be selected first.

c) In choosing spoken presentations 

(Note that co-authorship on multiple spoken presentations will be permitted as long as a separate person delivers each talk; principal authors of multiple presentations are asked to indicate which presentation they prefer for spoken delivery.)

Those who miss out on spoken presentations because of a shortage of available times will be offered a poster presentation.

All authors are required to pay a one-off abstract submission fee of AUD$100. Authors will be able to submit up to 3 abstracts only for this fee. This fee will be deducted from your registration fees when you register for the Congress. If you do not register for the Congress, the fees will not be refunded.

Abstract Submission Instructions

The 10th International Congress of Ecology invites the submission of abstracts on original work for consideration for the Congress Program. Contributions will be reviewed and considered for either platform or poster presentations. 

Abstract Deadline Dates

Deadline for Receipt of Abstracts
Authors Notified of Acceptance
Author Registration & Early Bird Deadline 
4 March 2009
March – April 2009
Before 16 May 2009

Summary of Abstract Submission Instructions

Please read through the submission instructions listed below before preparing your abstract:

NOTE: Please print a copy of the abstract submission form for your records prior to clicking ‘upload’.

Click here to Submit your Abstract

Abstracts will only be accepted for inclusion in the program if accompanied by a completed Abstract Submission Form and if the presenting author registers no later than 16 May 2009. The online Abstract Submission Form must be fully completed.

Do not resubmit your abstract for any reason other than a submission error. If you do not receive a confirmation email with your access key, please contact the Congress Managers via the email address:

The Congress Managers will not be responsible for abstract submissions not received via the Congress website or for submission errors caused by Internet Service outages, hardware or software delays, power outages or natural disasters.

It will be the responsibility of the submitting author to ensure that the abstract is supplied in full. Abstracts on diskettes/CD-Rom will not be accepted.

General Policies and Requirements for the Submission of Abstracts

Abstract Format & Layout Guidelines

The purpose of the abstract is to define the precise subject of the presentation to an audience. It is the responsibility of the presenting author to ensure accuracy of content, spelling and presentation, as abstracts will be published exactly as submitted.

Your abstract should have the following format:

Abstract Template Document

Authors should prepare their abstracts in advance using the template located at the link below. Authors can then upload the completed abstract via the online form.

Please click on the link below to view the abstract template:

Download Abstract Template (PDF Size: 23KB)

Please click on the link below to view a sample abstract:

Download Sample Abstract (PDF Size: 23KB)