JO 7210.3V
Effective Date:
February 14, 2008
Subject:  Facility Operation and Administration

Includes Change 1 Effective July 31, 2008

Chapter 4. Correspondence, Conferences, Records, and Reports

Section 1. General


Prepare and issue facility correspondence in accordance with:

a. FAAO 1360.16, FAA Correspondence Policy, which prescribes basic correspondence standards.

b. FAAO 1320.1, FAA Directives System, which prescribes the procedures for issuing direction and work information.


Correspondence addressed to organizations, businesses, or individuals outside FAA shall be signed "Air Traffic Manager, Reno Automated Flight Service Station," "Air Traffic Manager, Washington Center," or "Air Traffic Manager, Denver Tower." The authorized contractions for the facility names may be used on correspondence addressed to any component of FAA; e.g., "Air Traffic Manager, Denver AFSS."


Forward copies of facility correspondence concerning facility operating procedures to the Service Area office; e.g., letter to airmen normally sent to pilots, airline companies, military commands or bases, and fixed-base operators. This correspondence shall be reviewed and approved at the discretion of the Service Area office prior to distribution. When information sent to users includes a change in operating procedures, facilities shall establish an effective date for implementing these operating procedures at least 30 days after the date of distribution unless otherwise authorized by the Service Area office.


Air traffic managers may handle correspondence dealing with matters involving operating policy or procedures directly with other agencies or services. If the matter is not within the jurisdiction of the air traffic manager, acknowledge the correspondence and state that the answer will be prepared and forwarded by the Service Area office. Forward all pertinent background material to the Service Area office with recommendations for further handling.


If information or correspondence is received from an aviation agency indicating an irregular operation (exclusive of policy items) by a facility, the air traffic manager shall investigate and reply to the agency within 3 administrative work days of receipt. If the air traffic manager cannot investigate and prepare a reply within 3 days, or if the matter deals with policy items outside his/her purview, he/she shall forward a letter of acknowledgment. Send copies of all correspondence, instructions issued to prevent recurrence, and any information on any disciplinary action taken to the service area office.


In coordination with the Terminal Operations Area Operations Air Traffic Environmental Protection Specialist (EPS), facilities shall conduct and document a preliminary environmental review of new or revised ATC procedures in accordance with FAAO 1050.1, Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures, concurrent with initial airspace planning. The facility's review requires the documentation necessary to determine foreseeable noise impacts and controversies.

a. Particular attention shall be made to determine whether procedures, either new or modified, will potentially impact noise sensitive areas as defined in FAAO 1050.1, Policies and Procedures for Considering Environmental Impacts.

b. For air traffic modifications to procedures at or above 3,000 feet (above ground level), the Air Traffic Noise Screening Procedure (ATNS) should be applied.

c. Modifications to procedures below 3,000 feet (above ground level) require additional analysis. Facilities shall contact the EPS for further guidance.

d. If the preliminary environmental review indicates that an Environmental Assessment or an Environmental Impact Statement is not required, the documentation shall be retained in the facility with copies of all documentation forwarded to the EPS. The directive resulting from the air traffic procedure shall contain a statement that a preliminary environmental review has been accomplished and that a Categorical Exclusion has been approved by the responsible official.


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