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Relavent Government Agencies
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)
U.S. Department of the Interior
Bureau of Land Management
Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI)
USDA APHIS Wildlife Services
The Endangered Species Program
National Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center

Water Quality and Conservation
Water Quality Information Network

Watershed Information Network
Rangeland Watershed Program Fact Sheets - University of California
Riparian Area Management Techniques - Kerr Center
Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship (LPES) Curriculum
Small Acreage Landowner Fact Sheets - Oregon Association of Conservation Districts
Strategies for Livestock Management in Riparian Areas in New Mexico

Animal Feeding Operations
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) - Final Rule
[PDF]  Concetrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) Rule Information Sheet
[PDF]  What are the Federal Requirements for Horse and Sheep CAFOs?
[PDF]  Risk Management Options for CAFO Waste - EPA
Animal Feeding Operations - NRCS
CAFO Fact Sheets
Feedlot Management: A Guide to Reducing Water Quality Impacts

Nutrient Management
Ohio Livestock Manure And Wastewater Management Guide
Best Management Practices: Land Application of Animal Manure - Ohio State University
[PDF]  Manure Management in Small Livestock Operations - Oregon State University
Nutritional Strategies to Reduce Nutrient Output in Sheep Manure - Ontario, Canada
Livestock Manure Handling: Tutorial Menu - Purdue University
[PDF]  Animal Waste Management to Protect Water Quality - Auburn University
Sheep Manure Management - Manitoba, Canada
Store Livestock Waste Wisely - Iowa State University
Managing Sheep and Goat Manure - Goat Connection
Texas Animal Manure Management Issues
Cornell Waste Management Institute
Land Application Equipment for Livestock and Poultry Manure Management - University of Missouri

Manure Composting
Manure Management and Composting - Organic Field Crop Handbook
Composted Versus Stockpiled Manure; Different Processes ... Totally Different Results
Manure Composting as a Pathogen Reduction Strategy - Ontario, Canada
[PDF]  Composting Solid Manure - Saskatchewan, Canada
Composting: An Alternative for Livestock Manure Management and Disposal of Dead Animals
Making the Most of Manure: Is Composting an Option For You?
[PDF]  How to Compost Manure

Dead Animal Disposal
Livestock Mortality Links - Ontario, Canada
[PDF]  Dead Animal Disposal - Clemson University
Disposal Methods of Livestock Mortality - University of Nebraska
Carcass Disposal Information - Biosecurity Center
[PDF]  Management of Animal Mortality in Georgia
Dead Animal Disposal - Manitoba, Canada
[PDF]  Managing Animal Deaths: Your Options
Disposal of Dead Animals - University of Vermont
Dead animal disposal - Sheep 201
[PDF, 2007] Composting dead sheep and lambs - Alberta Sheep & Wool Commission

*** Laws pertaining to dead animal disposal vary by state and country. ***

Composting Animal Mortality
On-farm Composting of Livestock and Poultry Mortalities - Ontario, Canada
On-farm Composting of Livestock and Poultry Mortalities (Summary) - Ontario, Canada
Livestock Composting as an Alternative Disposal Method - North Dakota State Univ.
Composting Dead Sheep - by David L. Greene
Disposing of Dead Goats - by Mark J. Estienne
Composting Animal Mortalities - Ohio State University
On-Farm Composting of Livestock Mortalities - Washington State Dept. of Ecology
[PDF]  Natural Rendering: Composting Livestock Mortality and Butcher Waste
[PDF]  Dead Animal Composting - PA Department of Agriculture
[PDF]  A Guide to Composting Flood-Related Animal Moralities (North Carolina)
[PDF]  Composting Animal Mortalities: A Producer's Guide - Saskatchewan, Canada
[PDF]  On-Farm Composting of Large Dead Stock - Manitoba, Canada
[PDF]  Composting Animal Mortalities - MN Department of Agriculture
[PDF]  Animal Mortality Composting - Utah State University
[PDF]  Composting Animal Mortalities - University of Wisconsin logo 
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MD-PA-WV Meat Goat Producers Association
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Last updated 11-Apr-2008 by Susan Schoenian.
