Baier Tractor Parts
Baier Tractor Parts

The mission of is to serve the needs of the American Agricultural Industry with 'local' information provided on a 'national' Web site. Unlike other ag-related sites, our users can view products, listings, news updates and other information on one site without scouring through the search engines to find what they are looking for.

The following is a description of the features we offer to our readers:

• News & Information - Unlike many other Web sites, our own editors generate the daily news content found on this site each day. When you see it on, you usually do not see it anywhere else.

• Agricultural Search Engine - We have built up a number of links in our search engine, giving our users the opportunity to find the resources they are looking for with an attractive, yet informative layout. Our search engine is also classified as a 'commercial' service, which means we have the ability to select reputable companies and organizations. In other words, we weed out the junk that is found on other search sites!

• Farm Equipment Locator - We are continually adding new companies and products on our Equipment Locator. We pride ourselves as being more 'user friendly' than the competition. And dealers prefer our service because their products are being promoted on a site that farmers are already going to for many different reasons besides shopping for equipment.

• Auction & Real Estate Listings - has teamed up with, where together we make up one of the largest Internet listing of farm auctions in the world!

This site is also a great resource to look for agricultural real estate property listings throughout the United States.

• Web Site Design & Promotion - We offer Web design services and promote existing Web Sites for many farm-related companies and organizations with professional and timely service. Contact us today for a FREE consultation and see how we can better improve your presence on the Internet.

If you have questions about our company, or would like more information about Web site design and/or advertising, give us a call at 715-384-7767, or e-mail us at your convenience.

Miller-St. Nazianz
Sutech USA
Sutech USA
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