Researcher exchange and research support
JST promotes exchange between researchers in science and technology to enhancethe Japanese research environment to the highest international level, to look for solutions to problems that require international approaches, and to encourage international research activities
Strategic International Cooperative Program
With the aim of following up on various agreements reached through intergovernmental talks regarding S&T cooperation, this program promotes international exchanges between researchers on specific research areas in line with the agreements. To realize the aim, MEXT assigns counterpart countries and research areas of special importance and JST, in collaboration with its foreign counterpart organizations, implements the subprograms: cooperative researches of relatively small-scale; researcher exchanges, i.e., invitations and dispatches; and holding of meetings such as symposiums and seminars.
Infrastructural Improvement of International Researcher Exchanges
Guesthouse operations
To facilitate active exchange between foreign and domestic researchers, "Takezono House" and "Ninomiya House", guesthouses for foreign researchers, are operated in the Tsukuba area.
Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering(JAFoE)
JST holds the Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium (JAFoE), along with the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and the Engineering Academy of Japan (EAJ). The aim of JAFoE is to provide a place where young researchers can find new possibilities in their research and development and foster interdisciplinary research. To attain this aim, the JAFoE symposium provides a place where approximately 65 young Japanese and American engineering researchers (up to 45 years old) can exchange their research information.
The 6th Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering
(Epochal Tsukuba, Ibaraki)
Support for basic research through positive exchange of researchers
Cooperative System for Supporting Priority Research
JST dispatches skilled engineers to national research institutes
To maximize researchers' creativity, it is crucially important to relieve researchers of a variety of tasks, such as manufacturing, operation and management of research equipment, preparation and analysis of research materials, field studies and clerical work in order to let them focus their energies on carrying out their studies. JST dispatches engineers with advanced knowledge and technical skills to national and other public research institutes to support effective promotion of creative and fundamental research.
* Number of Supported Organizations: 52
* Supported Period: 5 years maximum
* Number of Cooperators: 199
* Qualifications for Cooperators: Engineers with advanced knowledge and technical skills necessary for supporting priority research conducted by national research institutes and independent administrative research institutions
Collaboration of Regional Entities for the Advancement of Technological Excellence
Construction of center of excellence, collaborating with industry, academe and public service in the region
This project aims to establish and reinforce a science and technology foundation that creates new technologies and industries in priority research fields set by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).
It also explores new research areas through joint-research by rallying regional potential in universities, national and other public research institutes, and R&D oriented private companies.
* Selected Regions and Themes in Fiscal 2001:
Aomori Prefecture: "Establishment of Key Technologies in Large Area Flat Panel Displays"
Chiba Prefecture: "Development of New Technologies Based upon Genome Information"
Ishikawa Prefecture: "Development of Advanced Technology for Measurement and Evaluation of Brain Functions"
Nagasaki Prefecture: "Technological Development for Protection of Marine Environment and Increasing Marine Resources by Application of Marine Microorganisms"
* Selected Regions and Themes in Fiscal 2002:
Saitama Prefecture: "Evolutionary Design of Advanced Biomolecules"
Mie Prefecture: "Environmental Restoration Project on Enclosed Coastal Seas"
Shiga Prefecture: "Development of Base Technology for the Construction of Environmentally Harmonious Industrial Systems"
Kochi Prefecture: "Next Generation IT Devices by Thin-film and Nano Technologies"
Okinawa Prefecture: "Development of Subtropical Bioorganic Resources"
* Selected Regions and Themes in Fiscal 2003:
Kyoto Prefecture: "Development of Basic Technologies for New Functional Particle Materials"
Hyogo Prefecture: "Basis Development of Nano Particle Materials"
Wakayama Prefecture: "Development of Advanced Technologies by Bioinformatics and Bioengineering in Agriculture"
Miyazaki Prefecture: "Diet and Cancer Prevention: Exploring Research Technology"
* Selected Regions and Themes in Fiscal 2004:
Osaka Prefecture: "Osaka Nano-carbon Project for New Advenced Application"
Kyoto City: "Development of Core Technology Forming Nano-med icine COE"
* Started in Fiscal 2003-Miyazaki Prefecture
We developed the method that was able to detect or predict hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection as much as one year earlier than ordinary methods. We identified protein peaks associated with liver disease in serum of patients, and several protein peaks were selected to construct a decision tree for the diagnosis of HCC using the surfaceenhanced laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF/MS) ProteinChip system. This modality for the diagnosis of HCC is a remarkably high sensitive tool. In addition, use of this method by decision tree predicted HCC in some patients before HCC was clinically apparent. These results indicate that decision tree using diagnostic markers is useful for early detection or prediction of HCC in patients with chronic HCV infection. As future work, we are going to evaluate the usefulness of this decision tree which have consisted of protein peaks for early detection or prediction of HCC in patients with chronic HCV infection. As future work, we are going to evaluate the usefulness of this decision tree which have consisted of protein peaks for early detection or prediction of HCC in the prospective study. Further, to establish the more effective method for early detection or prediction of HCC with low cost and high reliance, we also have sought to identify novel HCC diagnostic proteins. We will further our understanding of the molecular mechanism underlying the hepatocarcinogenesis and discover the methods to protect from HCC occurrence or therapeutic targets for HCC.
Classification of HCC and non-HCC samples . The classification of a particular pattern began at the roof node, following the appropriate links based on answer to the question at each node. If the peak 1 intensity was higher, the right node was selected. If the peak 1 intensity was lower or equal, the left node was selected. This process was repeated until a terminal node was reached.
* Started in Fiscal 2002- Mie Prefecture
The small-scale dredged soil processing plant can process soft sea bottom sludge with high organic content safely, quickly, and at low cost using a variety of solidification materials. The material processed by the plant has low moisture content and can be used in revitalizing coastal environments.

Small-scale dredged soil processing plant
* Started in Fiscal 2001-Chiba Prefecture
The first product delivered to a major pharmaceuticals manufacturer was a DNA/antibody microarrayer. All of the pins of this device have pinheads that were newly developed to be capable of conducting spotting with even contact pressure on the slide. Unique approaches were also employed in spot sample evaporation prevention and the pin cleaning structure. As a result, the device was applicable to a wide range of items whose handling had been problematic, such as antibodies, proteins, peptide, and low molecular compounds.
DNA/antibody microarrayer Uniform spot diameter and highly
repeatable and highly repeatable