Presenters Set for the First Inventor & Entrepreneurial Club Meeting

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Dena Beck,, Phone: (308) 528-0060 or - Sharon Hueftle,, Phone: (308) 995-3190

Minden, NE - Terry Whipple, Director of Juneau County Wisconsin Economic Development Corp and the 2006 Nebraska MarketPlace keynote speaker, will kick off the first PK Partnership (Phelps and Kearney counties) Inventors/Innovators/Investors and Entrepreneurs Club (I & E Club) meeting at the Minden Fire Hall on January 19, 2009. The Fire Hall is located at 325 N Colorado Avenue.

The inaugural meeting will begin at 6:00 PM with hors d'oeuvres, networking and a few words from Mr. Whipple. The "Marketing on a Shoestring" presentation will follow at 6:30 by the owners of Marketing Happens, Kristen Pavelka and Kenzie Choquette.  "We hope to demonstrate to I&E Club participants that there are low cost, and even free, methods to effectively market their business," said Kenzie Choquette. The evening will conclude with participant's sharing their interests and needs and more networking. Resource providers and professionals will introduce themselves after participant introductions, which will allow providers to tell what they offer in direct response to the needs voiced.  

During the networking time table topic discussions will also be offered, including: Financing Your Business with Dena Beck, Center for Rural Affairs' Rural Enterprise Assistance Project (REAP); Marketing with Kenzie Choquette, Marketing Happens; and Patents with Terry Whipple, Juneau County Wisconsin I&E Club.
"I am excited to come back to south central Nebraska for the inaugural I&E Club," said Terry Whipple. "I applaud the PK Partnership for taking this step to connect a base of people to explore ideas, support, motivate and educate each other including tapping into each others networks.  It's also crucial to take pride in each other's successes, which the I&E Club does."
The PK Partnership Innovator and Entrepreneur Club will alternate meeting locations between Minden and Holdrege. The next meeting will be February 16 in Holdrege.  Future speakers and topics will be selected from evaluations and feedback of participants.   
Attendance is free, and all area entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs are encouraged to attend. No pre-registration is required. For more information, contact Dena Beck, Business Specialist with the Center for Rural Affairs' Rural Enterprise Assistance Project-REAP, 308-528-0060 or Or Sharon Hueftle, Director, South Central Economic Development Distrist,