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As of fiscal year 2005,
the National Irrigation Water Quality Program
has been inactive.

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Data Synthesis


In 1992, the Department of the Interior began a data synthesis study to evaluate information collected by the completed and ongoing National Irrigation Water Quality Program (NIWQP) investigations. The overall objective of the study is to identify common features among study areas and principal physiographic and biologic factors that result in contamination of water in irrigated areas in the Western United States. The National Irrigation Water Quality Program Data-Synthesis Data Base, USGS Open-File Report 00-513 provides a data dictionary and describes how this data base was built.

Summarized Project Data

As part of the NIWQP data-synthesis project, chemical data from water, bottom-material, inorganic, and organic biological samples (collected during Phase 2) have been compiled from 26 NIWQP study areas. Summary tables of the data sorted by where the material was gathered from are available in ASCII or Excel format by clicking on the links below:

Individual Project Data

The data is also available by study area, along with other pertinent information, by clicking on name of the area listed below.

Related Data Synthesis Study Documents

  • National Irrigation Water Quality Program Data-Synthesis Data Base
    U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-513
    Ralph L. Seiler and Joseph P. Skorupa

  • Irrigation-Induced Contamination of Water, Sediment, and Biota in the Western United States- Synthesis of Data from the National Irrigation Water Quality Program
    U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1655
    Ralph L. Seiler, Joseph P. Skorupa, David L. Naftz, and B. Thomas Nolan
    Adobe Acrobat - 6.4 MB .pdf File

  • Areas Susceptible to Irrigation-Induced Selenium Contamination of Water and Biota in the
    Western United States

    U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1180
    Ralph L. Seiler, Joseph P. Skorupa, and Lorri A. Peltz
    Adobe Acrobat - 2.1 MB .pdf File

  • Methods to Identify Areas Susceptible to Irrigation-Induced Selenium Contamination in the
    Western United States

    U.S. Geological Fact Sheet 038-97
    Ralph L. Seiler
    March 1997
    Adobe Acrobat - 1.3 MB .pdf File

  • Using Geochemical and Statistical Tools to Identify Irrigated Areas That Might Contain High Selenium Concentrations in Surface Water
    U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 077-96
    David L. Naftz
    August 1996
    Adobe Acrobat - 239 KB .pdf File

Study Areas Map