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NIH Record Awardees

Hoover Honored by DES Organization

Dr. Robert Hoover, director, Epidemiology and Biostatistics Program, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, NCI, was presented the Distinguished Service Award by DES ACTION USA, a national, nonprofit consumer organization dedicated to informing the public about diethylstilbestrol (DES) and helping persons exposed to the drug. Hoover was honored for his tireless dedication to research benefitting the lives of DES-exposed individuals.

Lyon Receives Kingsbury Award

Dr. G. Reid Lyon, chief of NICHD's Child Development and Behavior Branch, recently received the Kingsbury Center 60th Anniversary Award for his "critical leadership of scientific inquiry in mental development and learning" and for his own research efforts in reading development and reading disorders. He will also be honored by the International Dyslexia Association in October 1999, and will give the Norman Geschwind keynote address at the association's International Fall Conference in Chicago. Lyon is being recognized for his scientific leadership in defining and identifying the developmental course and the neurobiological substrates of severe reading disorders.

Stratakis Recognized for Clinical Research

Dr. Constantine A. Stratakis, head of the unit on endocrinology and genetics of NICHD's Developmental Endocrinology Branch, has received the first annual International Award for Excellence in Published Clinical Research. From the Endocrine Society, he was honored for his clinical research paper, "The Aromatase Excess Syndrome is Associated with Feminization of Both Sexes and Autosomal Dominant Transmission of Aberrant P450 Aromatase Gene Transcription", published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. The award recognizes excellence in clinical research in endocrinology. The work was completed during Stratakis' fellowship in the laboratory of Dr. George P. Chrousos, chief of the section on pediatric endocrinology, NICHD. Stratakis is a pediatric endocrinologist and geneticist with interests in the fields of genetics of growth and tumorigenesis. A native of Greece, he earned both an M.D. and a D.Sc. from the University of Athens, Greece. He is currently editor-in-chief of the Journal of Endocrine Genetics.

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