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NIH Record


Two Join CSR

Dr. Narayani Ramakrishnan has recently joined the Division of Receipt and Referral in the Center for Scientific Review. In her new position as assistant chief, she will be involved in all aspects related to the assignment of applications for scientific merit review and for funding consideration. She comes to CSR from the department of applied cellular radiobiology, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, where she was a visiting scientist from 1989-1994 and a research biologist from 1994-1999. Her expertise includes both basic and clinical biomedical research as well as interdisciplinary studies in radiation biology, biochemistry, oncology, cell biology, molecular biology and immunology. public policy.

Dr. Lawrence Yager recently joined the Center for Scientific Review as a health scientist administrator in the infectious diseases and microbiology integrated review group. His expertise is in the areas of microbial genetics and molecular biology; he will be responsible for managing the review of small business innovation research and small business technology transfer applications assigned to the group. In 1991, he became a tenured associate professor in the department of biology at Temple University, where for the past 14 years he conducted research concerned with deducing mechanisms involved in the initiation of asexual sporulation and development in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans.

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