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Interaction Among Species

Species interact with each other continuously; these images demonstrate specific types of interaction, such as pollination, predation, and mutualism.

Defense: Poisons & More

Camouflaged, toxic, venomous….there are many species out there that, in order to survive, have evolved means of defense, which sometimes can be used also for attack.

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Mutualism, etc

Mutualism and commensalism are relationships that benefit one or more of the involved species, while also benefiting or at least not harming the other.

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Parasitism, Disease

Parasites are animals, plants, or fungi living on or within another organism, deriving benefit from it while causing injury. Parasites are prevalent throughout the plant and animal kingdoms.

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Pollination is the transfer of male gametes, or pollen, from the male part of a flower to a female part in the same or different flower that has eggs. These images show how animals may wind up transferring pollen when feeding from flowers.

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There are many different levels of predation, but mostly predation is defined as the act of killing and consuming another organism. This act is the means of survival for many species, and is captured in these images.

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