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NIH Record


Bill Dommel

OD's Bill Dommel has been named director of education in the Office for Protection from Research Risks. He rejoins the staff of OPRR following a 4-month assignment as acting executive director of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission. The commission focussed on issues related to the protection of the rights and welfare of human research subjects and the management and use of genetic information. In his new role, Dommel will work with extramural NIH staff to address protection of rights and welfare of human subjects and the welfare of laboratory animals.

Drs. Wayne A. Hendrickson and Slayton A. Evans, Jr.

NIGMS director Dr. Marvin Cassman (c) welcomed two new members to the National Advisory General Medical Sciences Council during its recent meeting. They are Drs. Wayne A. Hendrickson (l) and Slayton A. Evans, Jr. Hendrickson is a professor of biochemistry and molecular biophysics and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1993. Evans is Kenan professor of chemistry at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

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