Jordan River National Fish Hatchery
Midwest Region


Current Events

Recent Accomplishments

Lake Trout

Fish Stocking Vessels

Educational Opportunities

Public Use

Friends Group

Volunteer/Intern Programs


Related Links

Contact Us

Phone: 231-584-2461
Fax: 231-584-2462
6623 Turner Road
Elmira, MI 49730


Frequently Asked Questions

•  How long has the hatchery been open?


The Jordan River National Fish Hatchery was constructed in 1962 and the first fish were released in 1964.

•  What are your hours?


The hatchery is open 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily. The Visitor's Center is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

•  Can we get a tour?


Yes, tours are available anytime the staff is on duty. You may arrange for group tours in advance by calling the Hatchery Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., 231-584-2461.

•  What kind of fish do you raise?


The hatchery currently rears six different strains of lake trout.

•  How many fish do you raise?


The hatchery annually produces approximately 1.85 to 2.0 million yearling lake trout and transfers approximately 900,000 fingerling lake trout to the Pendills Creek National Fish Hatchery in Brimley, Michigan . Typically 1.2 million fish are released offshore into Lake Michigan and 900,000 into Lake Huron by the stocking vessel M/V Togue.

•  What are the "white fish" that we see in the runs ?


The "white fish" have acquired the genes for "albinism". Approximately 1% of the annual hatch is albino.

•  Do you raise any other fish?


No, Jordan River raises native lake trout exclusively.

•  Where do you stock the lake trout?


The fish are stocked in Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.

•  Where are the "big ones"?


The larger brood stocks (adult fish) are raised at other hatcheries and partially developed eggs with visible eyes are shipped to us each winter. The eggs are incubated and hatched at our facility and grow to approximately six to seven inches in length prior to their release into the lakes some 15 to 18 months later.

•  How does someone get a job like this?


Typically, at least a two year degree in some related major and/or experience is required depending on the level of the position desired. For further information click this link: .

•  What do you feed the fish?


The fish are fed a commercially milled food in pellet form designed specifically for lake trout. It contains about 45% protein and comes in different sizes so that the fish have just the size food they need as they grow larger.

•  Can we feed the fish?


No. The fish outside are fed once a day (before sunrise in the morning) and the fish inside are fed two to four times depending on size. The amount of food the fish receive and how well they eat is closely monitored. Feeding by visitors would alter the schedules and monitoring.

•  How much fish food do you use in a year?


Approximately 220,000 pounds are used each year.

•  What is the difference between Michigan Department of Natural Resources(MDNR) and the US Fish &Wildlife Service (USFWS)?


The MDNR, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, is the state agency responsible for the management of the state's resources. The USFWS, US Fish & Wildlife Service is a federal agency within the Department of the Interior, responsible for the protection, enhancement and beneficial use of the nation's aquatic and terrestrial resources.

•  How many people are employed here?


The hatchery currently employs eight professional staff.  There are also two STEP interns and several volunteers. In addition, from February to April when the fish are being tagged and clipped prior to being stocked in the lakes, between seven and fifteen extra employees are on staff as fin clippers.

Conserving America's....National Fish Hatcheries

Last updated: July 10, 2008