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Best SellersTop 26 Sellers for December 2008Reproducible Federal Tax Forms 2008 Publisher: Treasury Dept., Internal Revenue Service Description: IRS Publication 1132. EST. DELIVERY DATE 12/31/08. Tax Guide for Small Business, 2008 Publisher: Treasury Dept., Internal Revenue Service Description: EST. DELIVERY DATE 01/22/09.
Publisher: Senate, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Description: S.Prt. 110-36. Every four years, just after the Presidential election, the United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions, commonly known as the Plum Book, is published, alternately, by the Senate and the House. The Plum Book is used to identify presidentially appointed positions within the Federal Government. 110th Congress, 2d Session. This edition is dated November 12, 2008. Year/Pages: 2008: 218 p.
Publisher: Homeland Security Dept., United States Citizenship and Immigratrion Services Year/Pages: 2008: 1 box of flash cards.
Publisher: Veterans Affairs Dept., Office of Public Affairs Description: VA Pamphlet 80 0-01. P94663. Measures 9 x 6 in. Describes federal benefits available to veterans and their dependents as of January 1, 2008. Year/Pages: 2008: 148 p.
Publisher: Library of Congress, Federal Research Division Description: Area Handbook Series. 5th edition. Edited by Glenn E. Curtis and Eric Hooglund. Offers a concise and objective examination of the dominant historical, geographic, social, economic, political, and military aspects of contemporary Iran. Has 5 chapters on: Historical Setting; The Society and its Environment (covers geography, population, social systems, education, health, and welfare); The Economy (focuses on overview and sectorial analyses); Government and Politics (covers political institutions, political dynamics, and foreign policy); and National Security (covers military institutions and regional and national security problems/issues). Year/Pages: 2008: 402 p.; ill. Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World Publisher: Office of the Director of National Intelligence, National Intelligence Council Description: NIC 2008-003. 4th edition. Unclassified report. Year/Pages: 2008: 120 p. Price: $30.00
Publisher: Defense Dept., Office of the Surgeon General, Borden Institute Description: Specialty Volume of Textbooks of Military Medicine. TMM. Edited by Shawn Christian Nessen, Dave Edmond Lounsbury, and Stephen P. Hetz. Foreword by Bob Woodruff. Prepared especially for medical personnel. Provides the fundamental principles and priorities critical in managing the trauma of modern warfare. Contains concise supplemental material for for military surgeons deploying or preparing to deploy to a combat theater. Year/Pages: 2008: 464 p.; ill. Publisher: State Dept., Office of the Legal Adviser Description: Released January 2008. Lists treaties and other international agreements of the United States on record in the Department of State on January 1, 2008 which had not expired by their terms or which had not been denounced by the parties, replaced or superseded by other agreements, or otherwise definitely terminated. Published annually. Item 900-A. Year/Pages: 2008: 483 p.
Publisher: Justice Dept., Federal Bureau of Investigation Description: This coffee-table history of the FBI celebrates the agency's 100th anniversary. The book traces the FBI's journey from fledgling startup to one of the most respected and recognized names in national security. It takes you on a walk through the seven key chapters in FBI history: the early formative period; the gangster-driven crime wave of the 1920s and 30s; the anxious age of World War II and the Cold War; the turbulent 60s and its burgeoning civil rights movement; the systemic corruption of the Watergate years; the rise of global terror and crime; and the post 9/11 era. The book includes extensive photographs, including never-before-seen pictures from FBI files. Year/Pages: 2008: 132 p.; ill. Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Contains public messages and statements of the President of the United States released by the White House from October 1 to December 31, 2004. Year/Pages: 2008: 912 p.
Publisher: Government Printing Office Description: 29th edition. Spine title reads: Government Printing Office Style Manual 2000. Also cited as GPO Style Manual. Issued by the Public Printer under authority of Section 1105 of Title 44, United States Code. Designed to achieve uniform word and type treatment and economy of word use in the form and style of Government printing. Edge indexed. Year/Pages: 2000: 336 p.; revised ed. Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Contains public messages and statements of the President of the United States released by the White House from July 1 to September 30, 2004. Year/Pages: 2008: 1088 p. Publisher: Defense Dept., Navy, Nautical Almanac Office Description: Prepared jointly with Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office, United Kingdom Hydrographic Office. Designed in consultation with other astronomers of many countries. Provides current, accurate astronomical data for use in the making and reduction of observations and for general purposes. The Astronomical Almanac Online extends the printed version by providing data best presented in machine-readable form. Online data are provided for several years. Item 394. Year/Pages: 2007: 596 p.; ill.
Publisher: Transportation Dept., Research and Special Programs Administration Description: Provides a guide to aid first responders in quickly identifying the specific or generic hazards of the materials involved in the incident, and protecting themselves and the general public during the initial response phase of the incident. Year/Pages: 2008: 372 p.
Publisher: Health and Human Services Dept., Office on Women's Health Description: Foreword by Jill Dougherty. This comprehensive official women's health resource will cover a broad range of issues affecting women of all ages. From the Nation's leaders in women's health, the Guide covers topics ranging from violence against women to cancer and heart disease, providing easy-to-understand explanations as well as practical tips. Readers will also find personal health stories from women around the country, charts showing which medical tests are needed, and when, and ways to find more helpful information. As gatekeepers of their family's health, women will also find resources for caring for the men and children in their lives. Year/Pages: 2008: 500 p.
Publisher: Commerce Dept., Census Bureau Description: Census 2000 Special Report. By Trudy A. Suchan, et al. Includes maps, figures, and text selected and organized to enhance public understanding of population and housing characteristics of the United States. The Census Atlas is a high-quality reference book, a systematic collection of information emphasizing spatial distribution and patterns from 1790 to 2000. The book takes advantage of the full range of topics from Census 2000, plus historical data that provide temporal context for Census 2000 population and housing results. This is the first general population and housing statistical atlas published by the U.S. Census Bureau since the 1920s. Year/Pages: 2007: 314 p.; ill. Handbook of North American Indians, V. 2: Indians in Contemporary Society Publisher: Smithsonian Institution Description: Garrick A. Bailey, Volume Editor, William C. Sturtevant, General Editor. This Vol. 2 is the 15th of a 20 volume set planned to give an encyclopedic summary of what is know about the prehistory, history, and cultures of the aboriginal peoples of North America north of the urban civilizations of central Mexico. This volume provides a basic reference work on Indians and Arctic peoples as a continuing element in a changing and sometimes difficult environment responding to the social forces around them, making such accommodations as circumstances require, but remaining identifiably Indian in a contemporary society. Year/Pages: 2008: 591 p.; ill.
Publisher: Homeland Security Dept., United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Description: Sold in packages of 10 decks of flash cards under this stock number. Year/Pages: 2008: 10 boxes of cards. New Drug Application: Biologic Licensing Application, Archival Copy (Blue Polyethylene Folder) Publisher: Health and Human Services Dept., Food and Drug Administration Description: FDA Form 2626. Issued with perforations. For use by the pharmaceutical industry. Sold in packages of 25 copies only. Year/Pages: 1984: Polyethylene binder cover. Annual Energy Outlook 2008 With Projections to 2030 Publisher: Energy Dept., Energy Information Administration. Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting Description: DOE/EIA-0383(2008). Presents projections and analysis of US energy supply, demand, and prices through 2030. The projections are based on results from the Energy Information Administration's National Energy Modeling System. Includes the reference case, additional cases examining energy markets, and complete documentation. Year/Pages: 2008: 221 p.; ill. Publisher: Defense Dept., Technical Support Working Group Description: Designed as a quick reference guide for military, first responders, Federal, State, and local government personnel. The goal of this guidebook is to provide awareness level information that will allow on-scene personnel to rapidly assess that a situation involves the presence of homemade explosives. Sold in packages of 5 copies only. Year/Pages: 2008: 69 p.; ill. Price: $85.00 This is a controlled item. To order, please send an e-mail request to the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) at PUBS@TSWG.GOV and provide the publication title, quantity, contact and organization name, mailing address and phone number. Security contractors must provide the name of the sponsoring Government agency and its contact information. TSWG will approve your order via e-mail and furnish an approval number. You may then place your order, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, to GPO via fax. Our fax number is 202-512-2104. Thank you. Publisher: Senate, Committee on Rules and Administration Description: Senate Document 110-1. Senate Manual, Containing the Standing Rules, Orders, Laws, and Resolutions Affecting the Business of the United States Senate, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Ordinance of 1787, and the Constitution of the United States. Prepared by Mathew McGowan under the direction of Howard Gantman, Staff Director. Also includes information about Senatorial and Presidential elections; chronological lists of Senators by State, Supreme Court justices and Cabinet officers; information about ratification of the Constitution; dates of admission of States into the Union; other information; and an index. 110th Congress, 2nd Session. Year/Pages: 2008: 1375 p. Individual Income Tax Returns, 2006 Publisher: Treasury Dept., Internal Revenue Service Description: Internal Revenue Service Publication 1304. Contains data on: on sources of income; adjusted gross income; exemptions; deductions; taxable income; income tax; tax credits; self-employment tax; and tax payments. Year/Pages: 2008: 279 p. [ Top ]
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