Meet Our Team

Note: If a persons name below is a link, click on it to go to that persons biography.

On-Site Staff

Sybil Erden - Director
TJ Georgitso - Associate Director
Nancy Stephens
Joe Dyson
Julie Dyson
Janet Trumbule
Jean Gaulthier

Off-Site Adjunct Staff

Charlotte Fox - Office Manager
Su Egen - Database
Tom and RuthAnn LaRue - Foster/Intake Center
Pat Rudikoff - Website
Joe Davis - Website
Marie Frank - Education Coordinator


Eileen Barczak
Jerry Buley
Chris Castriotta
Eileen Cowles
Ned Egen
Ed Fox
Marie Frank
Debby Hoeltgen
Ed Kane
Carlton Landrum

Janice & Eric Peterson
Chris Reid
Leanna Rein
Chloe Rogers
Tom Trebisky
Lin Westgard & family


Todd Driggers, DVM


Tim Medcoff, of Farhang & Medcoff, PLLC

Carolyn Sechler, of Sechler CPA, PC

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