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[ A-C ]

Automated Traffic Law Enforcement Model Law (posted 10-11-01)
The National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances has posted a model law for jurisdictions to use in crafting automated enforcement laws.

[ D-F ]

Compendium of Traffic Safety Research Projects: A Decade and Beyond (posted 10-11-01)
This annotated bibliography lists almost 200 behavioral research and evaluation projects sponsored by NHTSA over the past ten years in the areas of: alcohol- and drug-impaired driving, occupant protection, speed and other unsafe driving actions, pedestrian and bicyclist safety, older drivers, and novice and young drivers.

[ G-I ]

Guidelines for Developing A Municipal Speed Enforcement Program (posted 10-11-01)
This booklet provides step-by-step guidance to both law enforcement and civilian personnel to assist them in developing traffic safety support committees and implementing municipal speed enforcement and other traffic safety programs.

[ J-L ]

[ M-O ]

[ P-R ]

Radar/Lidar Consumer Products List (CPLs) (posted 10-11-01)
The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) maintains a website that lists speed measurement equipment that has passed tests for accuracy.

Rural Initiative Traffic Safety Guide (posted 10-11-01) PDF version (103K)
This guide identifies enforcement techniques that can easily be incorporated into existing enforcement programs without the need for additional resources. The publication also contains some ideas for those agencies interested in expanding programs.

[ S-U ]

Speed-Measuring Devices (posted 10-11-01)
NHTSA, in conjunction with the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the Law Enforcement Standards Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) developed testing protocols and performance standards for police traffic LIDAR and RADAR speed measuring devices.

Strategies for Implementing Best Practices for Enforcement (posted 10-11-01)
This guide provides step-by-step assistance to law enforcement personnel to develop an aggressive driving enforcement program.

Tips - What to Do When You Encounter Aggressive Drivers (.PDF version posted 10-11-01)
This flyer provides helpful tips on what to do when you are confronted by an aggressive driver. (Downloads in Adobe Acrobat Reader format, 589k)

[ V-Z ]