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Landbird Research at the Alaska Science Center
Black-capped chickadee with deformed beak

Beak Deformities

The Alaska Science Center began research on beak deformities in landbirds in Alaska in 1999 and has since identified nearly 1,500 deformed Black-capped Chickadees in south-central Alaska—the highest concentration of such abnormalities ever recorded in a wild bird population anywhere!  More recently, rapidly increasing numbers of other species, including Downy Woodpeckers, Northwestern Crows, Steller’s Jays, and Black-billed Magpies have also been reported with bill deformities by biologists and local residents.

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Boreal Partners in Flight

Alaska Landbird Resource Information System, the official web site for Boreal Partners in Flight! Here is the place to learn more about the Boreal Partners in Flight program and our efforts to understand and conserve northern populations of landbirds.


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