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Java + Neil Young:

A time capsule of rock history

Rock legend Neil Young is bringing you the most comprehensive, dynamic and interactive career archive ever released with the help of Java technology. His amazing archive, releasing on Blu-ray Disc,™ is like a time capsule of his career in high definition. With seamless Java powered navigation, you can browse through photos, articles, video clips, and memorabilia, and even have Internet connectivity, all while listening to his legendary music delivered in 192 Khz, 24-bit PCM—for the best possible audio experience. The first 10 Blu-ray Disc set covering Young's career from 1963-1972 will be available from Warner Music this fall. Neil Young and Java: bringing a legend's career and achievements to life for you.
» Learn more about Neil Young
» Watch Neil Young talk about the upcoming release of his career archive

Neil Young performance shot
Neil Young photo with turntable
Neil Young photo with tape deck
Neil Young photo montage

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