Ballast Water Mangement Guidelines for Coastwise vessels not transiting more than 200NM from shore

For vessel voyages that do not take the vessel more than 200NM from shore, or if the vessel does not transit beyond 200NM from shore for long enough to complete ballast water exchange:

You are not required to conduct ballast water exchange.


If the vessel transits in waters greater than 200 NM from shore, the vessel must complete ballast water exchange (33 CFR 151.2035 (b). 

However, if the voyage does not take the vessel beyond 200 NM from shore, the vessel is not required to deviate its course out to 200 NM from to complete the ballast water exchange (33 CFR 151.2036), and the vessel may discharge its ballast water in the U.S. port (33 CFR 151.2037).  However, the vessel must discharge only that amount of ballast water operationally necessary to ensure the safety of the vessels for cargo operations. 

NVIC 07-04, Enclosure (2), pg 5 offers the following discussion on this situation:

"Masters are not required to divert or delay a voyage in order to conduct mid-ocean BWE [33 CFR 151.2036].  Whenever a vessel enters U.S. waters after operating beyond the EEZ, but cannot conduct mid-ocean BWE because the voyage to the U.S. was such that the vessel did not transit outside 200 NM of any coast for enough time to conduct exchange, the vessel must retain its un-exchanged ballast water while operating in U.S. waters and only discharge the minimal amount of un-exchanged ballast water that is operationally necessary to safely conduct cargo operations [33 CFR 151.2037].  Such situations may be likely for vessels that enter the U.S. EEZ from a Caribbean, Canadian, or South American port where a direct transit to the U.S. may not take the vessel more than 200 NM from shore for sufficient time to conduct BWE before reaching their U.S. destination." 

General Information:

Title 33 CFR 151 Subpart D provides the U.S. Ballast Water Management regulations for vessels.  You can view these regulations at:

Further guidance regarding Ballast Water Management regulations are provided in NVIC 07-04 and on our web page at: