Title 33--Navigation and Navigable Waters



TEXT PDF151.01 Purpose.
TEXT PDF151.03 Applicability.
TEXT PDF151.04 Penalties for violation.
TEXT PDF151.05 Definitions.
TEXT PDF151.06 Special areas.
TEXT PDF151.07 Delegations.
TEXT PDF151.08 Denial of entry.
TEXT PDF151.09 Applicability.
TEXT PDF151.10 Control of oil discharges.
TEXT PDF151.11 Exceptions for emergencies.
TEXT PDF151.13 Special areas for Annex I of MARPOL 73/78.
TEXT PDF151.15 Reporting requirements.
TEXT PDF151.17 Surveys.
TEXT PDF151.19 International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Certificates.
TEXT PDF151.21 Ships of countries not party to MARPOL 73/78.
TEXT PDF151.23 Inspection for compliance and enforcement.
TEXT PDF151.25 Oil Record Book.
TEXT PDF151.26 Shipboard oil pollution emergency plans.
TEXT PDF151.27 Plan submission and approval.
TEXT PDF151.28 Plan review and revision.
TEXT PDF151.29 Foreign ships.
TEXT PDF151.30 Applicability.
TEXT PDF151.31 Where to find requirements applying to oceangoing ships carrying Category A, B, C, and D NLS.
TEXT PDF151.32 Special areas for the purpose of Annex II.
TEXT PDF151.33 Certificates needed to carry Category C Oil-like NLS.
TEXT PDF151.35 Certificates needed to carry Category D NLS and Category D Oil-like NLS.
TEXT PDF151.37 Obtaining an Attachment for NLSs to the IOPP Certificate and obtaining an NLS Certificate.
TEXT PDF151.39 Operating requirements: Category D NLS.
TEXT PDF151.41 Operating requirements for oceangoing ships with IOPP Certificates: Category C and D Oil-like NLSs.
TEXT PDF151.43 Control of discharge of NLS residues.
TEXT PDF151.47 Category D NLSs other than oil-like Category D NLSs that may be carried under this part.
TEXT PDF151.49 Category C and D Oil-like NLSs allowed for carriage.
TEXT PDF151.51 Applicability.
TEXT PDF151.53 Special areas for Annex V of MARPOL 73/78.
TEXT PDF151.55 Recordkeeping requirements.
TEXT PDF151.57 Waste management plans.
TEXT PDF151.59 Placards.
TEXT PDF151.61 Inspection for compliance and enforcement.
TEXT PDF151.63 Shipboard control of garbage.
TEXT PDF151.65 Reporting requirements.
TEXT PDF151.66 Operating requirements: Discharge of garbage in the navigable waters prohibited.
TEXT PDF151.67 Operating requirements: Discharge of plastic prohibited.
TEXT PDF151.69 Operating requirements: Discharge of garbage outside special areas.
TEXT PDF151.71 Operating requirements: Discharge of garbage within special areas.
TEXT PDF151.73 Operating requirements: Discharge of garbage from fixed or floating platforms.
TEXT PDF151.75 Grinders or comminuters.
TEXT PDF151.77 Exceptions for emergencies.
TEXT PDF151.79 Operating requirements: Discharge of sewage within Antarctica.
TEXT PDF151.1000 Purpose.
TEXT PDF151.1003 Applicability.
TEXT PDF151.1006 Definitions.
TEXT PDF151.1009 Transportation of municipal or commercial waste.
TEXT PDF151.1012 Applying for a conditional permit.
TEXT PDF151.1015 Issuing or denying the issuance of a conditional permit.
TEXT PDF151.1018 Withdrawal of a conditional permit.
TEXT PDF151.1021 Appeals.
TEXT PDF151.1024 Display of number.
TEXT PDF151.1500 Purpose.
TEXT PDF151.1502 Applicability.
TEXT PDF151.1504 Definitions.
TEXT PDF151.1506 Restriction of operation.
TEXT PDF151.1508 Revocation of clearance.
TEXT PDF151.1510 Ballast water management.
TEXT PDF151.1512 Vessel safety.
TEXT PDF151.1514 Ballast water management alternatives under extraordinary conditions.
TEXT PDF151.1516 Compliance monitoring.
TEXT PDF151.1518 Penalties for failure to conduct ballast water management.
TEXT PDF151.2000 What is the purpose of this subpart?
TEXT PDF151.2005 To which vessels does this subpart apply?
TEXT PDF151.2007 What are the penalties for violations of the mandatory provisions of this subpart?
TEXT PDF151.2010 Which vessels are exempt from the mandatory requirements?
TEXT PDF151.2015 Is a vessel in innocent passage exempt from the mandatory requirements?
TEXT PDF151.2025 What definitions apply to this subpart?
TEXT PDF151.2030 Who is responsible for determining when to use the safety exemption?
TEXT PDF151.2035 What are the required ballast water management practices for my vessel?
TEXT PDF151.2036 If my voyage does not take me into waters 200 nautical miles or greater from any shore, must I divert to conduct a ballast water exchange?
TEXT PDF151.2037 If my vessel cannot conduct ballast water management practices because of its voyage and/or safety concerns, will I be prohibited from discharging ballast water?
TEXT PDF151.2040 What are the mandatory ballast water management requirements for vessels equipped with ballast tanks that operate in the waters of the United States and are bound for ports or places in the United States?
TEXT PDF151.2041 What are the mandatory ballast water reporting requirements for all vessels equipped with ballast tanks bound for ports or places of the United States?
TEXT PDF151.2043 Equivalent Reporting Methods for vessels other than those entering the Great Lakes or Hudson River after operating outside the EEZ or Canadian equivalent.
TEXT PDF151.2045 What are the mandatory recordkeeping requirements for vessels equipped with ballast tanks that are bound for a port or place in the United States?
TEXT PDF151.2050 What methods are used to monitor compliance with this subpart?
