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Judges Information


The intent of the Symposium is to broaden students' expertise and to prepare them for graduate study and research careers in engineereing and science as well as non-technical fields. This is an excellent forum in which to witness science in the making. technical talks and poster presentations will give students a unique opportunity to network, whether the goal is beginning or continuing further graduate study or to pursue a professional career.
Students will be in the company of technical staff and distinguished scientists from the Laboratory who volunteer to serve as mentors to our undergraduate, and graduate researchers. Fields represented include bioscience, chemistry, computing, earth and space sciences, engineering, materials, physics, and non-technical areas.
Science serving society is best found in the student talent you will meet throughout our Symposium 2008.


The registration desk in UNM-LA's Student Center will be staffed throughout Symposium 2008 to assist you with messages, general information, or other special requirements.


The keynote speaker will be Duncan McBranch of PADSTE: Science, Technology and Engineering. Additional speakers are Mary Hockaday of Weapons Physics and Belinda Padilla of Technology Transfer.

**If you are interested in being a judge, please contact Brenda Montoya at bmontoya@lanl.gov



  • Scott Robbins
    Technical Host
    Los Alamos National Laboratory
    MS M709
    (505) 667-3639
    FAX (505) 665-6871
    E-mail: srobbins@lanl.gov
  • Brenda Montoya
    Los Alamos National Laboratory, MS M709
    (505) 667-4866
    FAX (505) 665-6871
    E-mail: bmontoya@lanl.gov

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