Information Resources

Definition of an herb

Herbal Profiles & Guides

Section includes HSA guides to lemon balm, pelargoniums, oregano/marjoram, garlic and basil, The Beginner's Herb Garden, and pdf fact sheets on popular herbs. 

Herb of the Year

HSA Archives

The records of the HSA Archives document the historical development and growth of The Herb Society of America as a horticultural organization of unique and national importance. The Archives is open for research to members of The Herb Society of America by appointment and to non-members with the permission of the Executive Director. An Inventory of Records and Manuscripts is available online for HSA members. 


Section includes resource lists on popular topics and a links directory of herb related web resources. Library staff publish the monthly information bulletin, HerbWire, and maintain the HSA Abstract Database for HSA members. The library offers nearly 3,000 volumes of writings about herbs and related topics, and is open to the public five days a week for research. The library catalog is available online and a staff librarian is available to assist people in the search for information. 


Includes a list and ordering information for HSA publications, including our quarterly newsletter and annual journal, The Herbarist. 

Promising Plants

This section of the website includes profiles and images of new, underused or little-known herbs selected by HSA's Promising Plants Committee.

Speakers Registry

A  listing of herbal speakers who have submitted their names as lecturers and demonstrators available to address meetings, workshops or symposia. Organized by region.




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