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PNW 120: The Regional Water Quality Program Welcomes Our Advisory Committee
This update introduces readers to our recently established advisory committee. This committee is comprised of individuals representing regional, state, and local agencies. The purpose of this advisory committee is to help us address water education needs in the region. Find out more by viewing an HTML version of the flyer here or by downloading the PDF flyer here.
PNW 119: Regional Survey Results: Information Sources and Learning Opportunities
This update highlights information we obtained on sources of water resource information used by the region's citizens and their preferred types of learning opportunities to address their information and education needs. A majority of survey respondents obtain water resource information from newspapers and television. Find out more by viewing an HTML version of the flyer here or by downloading the PDF flyer here.
PNW 118: 2007 Citizen Survey Results: Priority Water Issues in the PNW
This update shows how Pacific Northwest residents prioritized 10 water resource issues. Over 90 percent of residents considered clean drinking water, clean rivers, and clean groundwater high priority issues. Over two-thirds of residents consider water for agriculture, prevention of salmon extinction, wetlands, and watershed restoration to be high priority. Find out more by viewing an HTML version of the flyer here or by downloading the PDF flyer here.
PNW 117: Residents Work to Improve Water Resources
This update provides results on citizen actions toward water resource issues based on our 2007 survey. Over 80 percent of citizens reported that they have taken individual actions to conserve water resources. In addition, almost three-quarters of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington residents have adjusted the way they live to protect water quality. Find out more by viewing an HTML version of the flyer here or by downloading the PDF flyer here.
PNW 116: Moving Science Into Policy and Action
This update announces our regional conference which will allow water-resource professionals from around the region to present and share their work with researchers, regulators, practitioners, educators, and students. This conference will cover a wide range of topics about the integration of water science and policy. Find out more by viewing an HTML version of the flyer here or by downloading the PDF flyer here.
PNW 115: Master Gardeners Part 2: Landscapes and Water Quality
This is the second update highlighting how Extension's Master Gardener Program enhances water quality in urban environments. Many of the Master Gardener programs in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington focus on water quality and quantity as well as issues including drought tolerance and environmental restoration. Find out more by viewing an HTML version of the flyer here or by downloading the PDF flyer here.
PNW 114: Targeted Watershed Initiative Grants: PNW Success Stories
This flyer publicizes the upcoming 6th annual regional satellite conference broadcast this October. This broadcast will highlight watershed restoration efforts in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana. The watersheds highlighted include the Siuslaw, Clark Fork, and Skagit. Find out more by viewing an HTML version of the flyer here or by downloading the PDF flyer here.
PNW 113: Incentives to Conserve Soil and Water Resources
This is the third update based on a grower survey in dryland agricultural areas of eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. This newsletter focuses on incentives for conservation of soil and water resources. Conservation practices can have a significant revenue impact on farm operations. Federal programs including CRP, CSP, and EQIP are widely used throughout the region. Find out more by viewing an HTML version of the flyer here or by downloading the PDF flyer here.
PNW 112: Studying Arid Watershed Managment in the PNW
This flyer discusses the results of a paired-watershed study in a 13-inch precipitation area of eastern Oregon. Researchers were evaluating the impact of western juniper invasions into the landscape. Removing trees was found to result in a more sustainable ecosystem. Find out more by viewing an HTML version of the flyer here or by downloading the PDF flyer here.
PNW 111: Factors Affecting Conservation Decisions
This is the second update based on a grower survey in dryland agricultural areas of eastern Washington and northern Idaho. A majority of the growers list the (1) cost of practice implementation, (2) costs of maintaining practices, (3) loss of soil quality, and (4) water quality stewardship as the most important factors determining their conservation effort. Find out more by viewing an HTML version of the flyer here or by downloading the PDF flyer here.

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PNW Updates 141-150 | PNW Updates 131-140 | PNW Updates 121-130 |
PNW Updates 111-120 | PNW Updates 101-110 | PNW Updates 091-100 |
PNW Updates 081-090 | PNW Updates 071-080 | PNW Updates 061-070 |
PNW Updates 051-060 | PNW Updates 041-050 | PNW Updates 031-040 |
PNW Updates 021-030 | PNW Updates 011-020 | PNW Updates 0-010
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University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service
University of Idaho Water Quality Program
Northwest Indian College

Oregon State University Extension Service
Washington State University Extension Water Quality

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A cooperative program consisting of the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
the Land Grant Colleges and Universities.

- a Regionally-Based National Network -

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USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
CSREES PNW Regional Water Quality Program