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The best place to find help for this site is to visit the FAQs page. There are several questions answered in the FAQs that may address your issue. If the FAQs do not have the answer you are looking for, you may contact the Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development (CAED) at 706-542-2434.

If functionality problems exist, try using a different browser.


Identify - The Identify Tool is used to find information or details about the various map symbols displayed on the map.  To identify a feature, select the Identify tool and then click on the feature on the map.  A window will display featuring information about the symbol.


Zoom In

Zoom In - The Zoom In Tool is used to zoom into an area on the map to inspect in greater detail. Click the Zoom In tool and hold and drag the mouse over the location on the map to zoom in.  The map view redraws and the extent is shown in greater detail


Zoom Out

Zoom Out - The Zoom Out Tool is used to zoom out and view a larger area of the map. Click the Zoom Out tool and then hold and drag the mouse over the location to zoom out. The map view redraws with less detail and larger geographical area.



Pan - The Pan Tool is used to shift to a new area on the map. Click the Pan tool and then click the location on the map to shift the view to the chosen area. Clicking a different area on the map will redraw the map to the new centered location.


Find Market

Find Market - Search for market demographics/census data in the areas of Race, Income, Income by Race, Education, Household Type and Foreign Born for the whole state or a county within the state. Results will show up on the map.


Find Business

Find Business - Search for local agriculture producers and businesses in the food supply chain. Searchable areas include producers, processors, wholesalers, food retailers, eating and drinking place retailers, and farmers markets. Results will show up on the map and in the Results table below the map.


New Search

New Search - Start a totally new query for new data/information.


View Results

View Results - A table showing the businesses located on the map will appear below the map.


Hide Results

Hide Results - The table showing the businesses located on the map will disappear from the page.


Refresh Search Results

Refresh Search Results- Click on this button if you have zoomed in to a smaller number of businesses and need the updated list of results.


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University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service
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