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Thank you for your interest in becoming a Teach For America corps member.

We are seeking individuals of all backgrounds and career interests who have the skills and commitment to make a real impact on the academic prospects of students growing up today in low-income communities and to exert long term leadership in the effort to eliminate educational inequity.

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In 2008, nearly 25,000 individuals applied to Teach For America and 3,700 individuals – each with a unique set of career aspirations, academic majors, and personal backgrounds – joined the Teach For America corps in 29 regions across the country. The 2008 corps represents more than 500 colleges and universities, 1,800 cities, all 50 states, and the District of Columbia. Their academic majors span a wide spectrum: 35 percent come from the social sciences, 14 percent from language and literature, and 13 percent from math, science, and engineering.

The diverse range of challenges in classrooms in low-income areas requires corps members with an equally diverse range of skills and perspectives. Teach For America corps members bring their passion, relentlessness, and creativity into the classroom on a daily basis – just consider the African-American studies and music major who energized his students by giving them an acceptance letter from a highly recognized university on the first day of school, and motivated one student to go from a 33 percent mastery rate in math to 100 percent by the end of the school year. Then there is the cognitive neuroscience major who helped a student to pass a high school exit exam – in spite of past test failures – by using many different strategies, including relating exam preparation principles to football philosophy in weekly review sessions. Regardless of their background, Teach For America corps members around the country are discovering new and fresh ways to level the playing field for their students.

To learn more about how you can join the movement to eliminate education inequity, we invite you to browse the links to the left.

View the 2008-09 Teach For America brochure