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Chapter 24 of
Thomas Jefferson's Library: A Catalog with the Entries in His Own Order

edited by
James Gilreath and Douglas L. Wilson

1989 Library of Congress

Reproduced 2001

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Chapter 24.


General Theories of Government. Special Governments, Antient. " " Modern.

France. Monarchical-Revolutionary-Imperial- her Colonies England. Constitution-Parliament-Dependancies. United States. Colonial-Revolutionary-Re-constituted- States. Political OEconomy. General-Statistics-Commerce-Finance. 88. Platonis republican, Gr. Lat. 2 v 8º. 89. Spens's Republic of Plato, p 4º. 410. La Republique et le Phedon de Platon } } Par Morel, fol. Les politiques d'Aristote. } 365. Aristotle's Treatise on Government, Eng. By Ellis, 4º. 1. Xenophontis Hiero, Sive de Regno, 12º. Foul. Gr. Lat. 2. Xenophontis CEconomica, Agesilaus, Hieron, Lacedemoniorum et Ath- eniensium Politic. Gr. 12º. 3. Hobbes de Cive. 16. 4. Machiavelli Princeps, Agrippa oratio contra Monarchiam, Maecenatis or- atio pro Monarchia, Steph. Junii Bruti vindicia contra Tyrannos, et deJure Magistratuum Tractatus, 12º. 5. Machiavelli Discorsi Sopra la prima deca di T. Livio, 2 v 12º. 6. Lettere del Machiavelli, 2 v 12º. 366. Machiavel's works, Eng. by Farnworth, 2 v 4º. 7. Bodin de la R6publique, p 8º. 8. Mori Utopia, Lat. 12º. 9. More's Utopia, Eng. Foul. 12º. 367. Harrinton's Oceana, p fol. 411. Hooker's Ecclesiastical polity, fol. 90. Filmer's observations on Government, 8º. 368. Sidney on Government, 4º. 91. Nedham's Excellencie of a Free State, 8º. 92. Political classics-to wit. Sidney, Rousseau, and More, 3 v 8º. 369. Les Oeuvres de Montesquieu. 3 v 4º. 93. Williams's Lectures on Montesquieu's political principles, 8º. 94. A commentary and Review of Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws, Duane 1811. 8º. 95. Priestley's first Principles of Government, 8º. 10. El desengano del hombre, por Puglia, 12º. 370. Terguson's Essay on Civil society, 4º. 96. Chastellux de la Felicit6 publique, 2 v 8º. 97. Principes de la Legislation Universelle, 2 v 8º. 98. Misrim, ou le Sage a la cour, et le Roi Voyageur par l'abb6 Aubert, 8º. 11. 99. Loix de la Nature par Poype, 8º. 100. Essay on Government by M" Lee, 8. 371. Della Necessita di reformare la Legislazione dal Antonio, 4º. 12. Godwin's Political Justice, 2 v 12º (Nº 11 in printed Cat.) 13. Godwin's Enquirer, 12º. (Nº 12 in dº) 14a. Heston's Moral and Political Truth 12º (Nº 13 in dº) 14. b. Beccaria on Crimes and Punishments, 12º (Nº 14 in dº) 101. Voltaire Sur Beccaria, 8º. 102. La Cretelle sur les Peines infamantes, 8º. 103. Warville des Loix Criminelles, 2 v 8º. 15. Discurso sobra las penas de Espaia, por de Lardizabal y Uriba, p 8º. 16. Forondo sobra la Policia, 12º. 104. Colquhoun on the Police of London, 8º. 372. Howard on Prisons, 4º. , 17. Bentham's Panopticon or Penitentiary, 3 v 12º. 105. Foronda de Hospitales, 8º. 106. Idee sur les secours a donner aux Pauvres Malades, 8º. 373. Instruction sur les Insenses et les Hopitaux, 4º. 107. The Penitentiary of New York, 8º. 108. Williams's claims of Literature, 8º. 18. Xenophontis Lacedaemoniorum Republica, Gr. Lat. Foul. 12º. 19. Cragus de Republica Lacedsemoniorum, 12º. 412. Petiti Leges Atticae, fol. 20. Sigonius de Republica Hebraeorum, 8º p. 109. L'Empereur de Legibus Hebraeorum forensibus, p 4º. 21. Moyle's Tracts, 12º. 22. Hornii dissertationes Historice et Politice, p 12º. 23. Mably de la Grce, 12º 24. des Romains, 12º 25. Phocion, 12º. 26. Ordre des Societes, 12º. 27. Etude de l'Histoire, 12º. 28. Maniere d'ecrire l'Histoire, 12º. 29. de la Legislation, 2 v in 1, 12º. 30. Principes des Negociations, 12º 31. Droit public de l'Europe, 3 v 12º. 32. Sur les Etats Unis d'Amerique, 12º. 33. Sur l'Histoire de France, 12º. 2 v. 34. Principes de Morale 12º. 35. Des Droits et des devoirs du Citoyen, 12º. Kehl 1789. 36. Sur la Pologne, 12º. 37. du Gouvernement et des Loix de Pologne, 2 v 12º. Paris, 1790. 38. Discours sur plusieurs Nations d' Eurpoe, d'Albon, 4 v 12º. 110. Constitutions des Principaux Etats par de La Croix, 4 v 8º. 111. Zimmermann's Political Survey of Europe, 8º. 112. Etat des course de l'Europe, pour l'annee 1788, 8º. 113. Almanach des Ambassadeurs, par Wedekind, 8º. 39. La Pologne, telle qu'elle est, a ete, et sera, 12º. 114. Tracts, foreign Politics-to wit, Mirabeau, D'Ivernois, Alfieri, &c 8º. 115. Mirabeau aux Bataves sur le Stadhouderat, 8º. 40. La ville et Republique de Venise, par D. S. D. 12º. 41. Liberty originaire de Venise, 12º. 374. Memoria inedita sulla Republica Veneta dal Fra Paolo, 4º. 116. Bielfield, instituciones political de Portugal y Espaia, por Foronda, p 4º. 117. Constitution of the Spanish Monarchy, 8º. 118. European Pamphlets, 1794-1805 8º. 375. " " 1801-4, 4º. 376. Political Pamphlets, 1800-8. Sc. Dexon, Traite d'Amiens, Manifesto de Concija real, p fol. (French Memorial, 1757, 8º) Ante C. 16, ยง2. Nº 31. 119. Malesherbes sur le Marriage des Protestans, 8º 120. Droit public de la France, par Lauraguais, 8º. 121. Essais politiques sur l'Etat actuel de quelques Puissances, par M. R. C. B. 1777. 8º. 377. Tracts, to wit-Comptes rendus de 1758, a 1788, 4º. 122. Les Finances de France par Necker, 3 v 8º 1784. 123. Colonne, de l'Etat de la France, present et a venir, 8º 1790. 124. Sur administration de Necker, par lui-meme. 8º. 125. Almanacs Royaux, pour 1785, 6, 7, 8, 91. 5 v 8º. 126. Essais sur la Constitution des Assemblees Provinciales, par Condorcet, 2 v. 8º. 127. Addresses, par Condorcet, 8º. 128. Opinions de Dupont, 8º. 129. Cahiers de Nemours, par Dupont, 2 v 8º. 130. Tracts.-Sur les Etats Generaux, 8º. 131. do. 8º. 132. Etats Generaux de 1789, par Brissot, 8º. 133. Resume General des cahiers du Clerge, de la Noblesse, et du Tiers, 3 v 8º. 134. Tracts political, French, 8º. 378. do. 4º 135. Tracts, King and Parliament, 8º. 379. Political Tracts, French, 87-92. 4º. 136. Procedure du Chatelet sur le 6 Octobre 1789, 8º. 137. Political Tracts, French, 1789, 8º. 138. Pamphlets, French, 1789, 8º 139. Political Tracts, French 1790, 8º. 140. Pamphlets, French, 1790, 8º. 141. Political Tacts, French 1791, 8º. 142. Pamphlets, French, 1792, 8º. 143. Debats du 10 Aout 1792, 8º. 144. Proces de Louis 16, 1792 8º. 145. Pieces trouves dans l'armoire de Fer, 1793 8º. 146. Pamphlets, French, 1793. 8º. 147. Lettres de Cart Sur le Bays de Vaud, 8º. 148. Answers to Burke by Priestley and M'Intosh, 8º. 149. Goldsmith's state of the French Republic, 1801, 8º. 150. Resultats des Traites, Supplement a Mably, par Arnould, 1803. 8º. 380. Comptes du Tresor Public, 1803, 4 v 8º. 151. Almanacs Imperiaux, 1807, 1808, 1809, 3 v 8º. 42. Essais sur les Colonies Franqaises, 12º. 152. Lettres Critiques et Politiques sur les Colonies, 8º. 153. Essai sur administration de St Dominque, 8º 381. Tracts, French Colonies, 4º. 382. Tracts on the French East-India Company, 4º. 154. Bart sur les Colonies, 8º. 155. Des Colonies Modernes, et particulierement de St Dominque, par Barre St Venant, 8º. 413. Discourse on Government, by Brady, fol. 414. Bacon on the Government of England, fol 156. do, p 4º. 157. Petty's Laws and constitution of England, 8º. 415. Acherley's Britannic Constitution, fol. 416. Tyerell's Bibliotheca Politica 417. Tracts on Constitutional questions, by Hawles, Atkins, Mackworth and others fol. 158. Historical Essay on the English Constitution, 8º. 159. Stuart's Historical dissertation on the Antiquity of the English Constitu- tion, 8º. 160. Burgh's political disquisitions. 3 v 8º. 43. De Lolme sur la Constitution d'Angleterre, 2 v in 1, 12º. 161. Fortescue, of Monarchy 44. Noy's rights of the Crown, 12º 45. Jura Corona, 12º. 46. Bagshaw's rights of the Crown, 12º. 162. Burnet's rights of Princes in Ecclesiastical Benefices, 8º. 47. Sommers' Rights of King and People, 12º. 48. English Liberties, 12º. 163. Care's English Liberties, 8º. 49. Brown's Estimate of the Manners and Principles of the Times, 12º. 383. Ellis's Tracts on Liberty, 4º. 418. Dugdale's Origines Juridiciales, fol. 419. Madox's Firmi Burgi, fol. 420. Brady of Boroughs, fol. 421. Spelman's works, fol. 422. Cotton's abridgment of the Records in the Tower, by Prynne, fol 423. Rushworth's collection, 8 v fol. 164. Cabala, 1st Ed. 4º p. 424. Cabala, 3d Ed. fol. 165. Bolingbroke's letters to Sir William Windham, 8º. 166. " Oldcastle's remarks on the history of England, 8º. 167. " Letters on the study of history, 8º. 168. " Tracts, 8º. 169. " Dissertation on Parties, 8º. 170. " Patriot King. 8º. 171. The Craftsman, 2 v 8º. 50. Addison's Freeholder, 12º. 51. Gordon's Cato's Letters, 4 v 12º. 52. Independent Whig, 4 v 12º. 175. Militia reformed, essay on national credit, revenues &c, 8º. 176. Tracts on Liberty and Slavery, 8º. sc. Meller, Buchanon, Webster, Tucker, 8º. 177. The Preface to Bellendenus by Dr Parr, Lat. Eng. 8º. 178. Political Tracts, 1707-1733, 8º. 179. Political Pamphlets, 1727-1729, 8º. 180. Papers relative to the rupture with Spain in 1762, 8º. 181. Political Tracts, 1761-8, 8º. 182. Debrett's collection of Tracts, 1763-70. 4 v 8º. 183. Political Tracts, 1769-73, 8º. 184. Pamphlets English, 1779-91, 8º 185. Tracts in English politics, 1780-84, 8º. 186. " " " " 1785-87, 8º. 187. Political Tracts, English and Irish, 1790, 1, 8º. 188. Political Tracts 1786-92,-8. 189. Pamphlets English 1792-3, 8º. 190. Barlow, Pigot and Publicola, 1791-5, 8º. 191. Politics for the people, 1794, 5, 2 v 8º. 192. Callender's Political progress, part 2d 8º. 193. Junius Redivivus, Letters to Pitt, Fox, &c 1791-6. 8º. 194. The Philanthropist, 1795, 6, 8º. 195. Pamphlets English, 1797, 8º. 196. Political Pamphlets, Foreign, 1795-1800, 8º. 197. Political Pamphlets, English, 1800, 1, 8º. 198. Etat de la Grande Bretagne, 1804, O'Connor, 8º. 199. Political Pamphlets, English, 1804-7, 8º. 200. Political Pamphlets, English, 1804. 8º. 201. St Amand's historical essay on Parliament, 8º. 202. Gordon's history of Parliament, 2 v 8º. 203. Pettus' constitution of Parliament, 8º. 54. Arcana Parliamentaria, 12º. 204. Hollis's Remains, 8º. 205. Hale's Jurisdiction of Parliaments, 8º. 206. Selden on the Judicature of Parliaments, 8º. 425. Petyt's Jus parliamentarium, fol. 55. Jurisdiction of the House of Lords in Impositions, 12º. 56. Considerations on the right of Prelates to sit in Capital Cases, 12º. 207. Brown's Privilegia Parliamentaria, 8º. 208. Petyt's ancient Rights of the Commons of England, 8º. 426. Ryley's Placita Parliamentaria, fol. 209. Prynne's Parliamentary writs, p 4º. 57. Hakewell's Mod. Ten. Parl. and method of passing bills, 16. 210. Lex Parliamentaria, 8º. 58. Orders of the house of Commons, 12º. 384. Hatsell's precedents of proceedings in the House of Commons, 3 v in 1, 4º. 427. Townshend's Historical Collections fol. 211. Determinations of the Commons in Elections 8º. 428. Bohun's Debates, Reports, &c on the Election of Members fol. 385. The Aylesbury Election, 4º. 386. Aislabie's Case in Parliaments, 4º. 387. Lound's case of the 3d auditor, 4º. 212. Ashby v. White 8º. 213. Blackstone's Case of the Middlesex Election, p 4º 429. Ephemeris Parliamentaria, or Register of Transactions of 3, 4, Car. 1. fol. 214. Debates of the Parliament of 1679, on the Popish plot, 8º. 215. Debates of 1680, 8º. Ed. 1681 216. do, Ed. 1725 59. Debates on abdication, 1698, 12º. 217. Parliamentary History, 1106-1660, 24 v 8º 218. Grey's debates, 10 v 8º. 219. History of the Parliament and Convocation of 1710, 8º. 220. Chandler's debates of the H.of Lords, 1660-1741, 7 v 8º. 221. " " " " ". of Commons, 1660-1743. 14 v. 8. 222. Parliamentary Register 1774-7, Almon, 7 v 8º 223. Debates of the H. of Commons, in 1785, 3 v 8º. 224. Parliamentary debates of 1790. 8º. 430. Scobel's acts of the Commonwealth Parliament from 1643 to 1651, fol. 431. Votes of the House of Commons, 1727, fol. 432. Dº. 1726-45, fol. 433. Ogle's Accounts, 1787, fol. 225. Doddridge's Works, 8º. 226. Atwood's Dominion of England over Scotland, 8º 227. State of the Union of Great Britain, 8º. 228. Mollyneux's Case of Ireland, 8º. 229. Petty's Political Survey of Ireland, 8º. 230. Debates of the Irish Commons, 2 v 8º. 231. Tracts on the English Foreign Possessions, 8º. 388. Case of the Sugar Trade, 4º. 232. Colony Tracts, 1731-3, 8º. 233. Brougham on the Colonial Policy of Europe, 2 v 8º. 389. The right of Tonnage, Duties, Fines and Forfeitures, in Maryland, fol. p. 234. Colony Titles; to wit of Pennsylvania, New York, and Vermont. 8º. 390. Hazard's Historical Collection of American State Papers, 4º. 434. The Charter of Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, &' fol. 391. Tracts, Britain and America; on the colonization of the Free States of An- tiquity. 4º. 60. Bougainville Sur les droits des Metropoles Grecques. 12º. 392. Tracts Political; sur les Ligues des Acheens, des Suisses, et des P U., and DeLolme on the Union, 12º. 235. Sharpe's Declaration of the People's Natural rights, 8º. 236. Administration of the Colonies, by Governor Pownal, 1764, 8º. 237. Great Britain and America, Pamphlets from 1765-1781, 10 v 8º. 238. Franklin's Political works, 8º. 239. Reflections moral and Political on Great Britain and her colonies; with M. S. Notes by Dr. Franklin. 1770, 8º. 240. Adams's Essays, 8º. 241. Dickinson's Political writings, 2 v 8º. 242. American Gazette, Nº 1. 8º. 243. Miscellanies on America, 3 v 8º. 1775-80. 244. The Remembrancer, 14 v 8º. 1775-82. 245. Tracts, Britain and America, by Price, 8º. 246. Recherches, historiques et politques sur les E. U. d'Amerique, par Mazzei, 4 v 8º. 247. Adams's Defence of the American Constitutions, 2 v 8º. 248. Observations on Government, on Adams and De Lolme, Eng, Fr. 8º. 61. DesLandes, sur l'importance de la Revolution Americaine, 12º. 249. Triomphe du Nouveau Monde, 2 v in 1, 8º. 62. Tracts, Britain and America, by Warville and Sinclair, 12º. 250. Mirabeau Sur l'ordre de Cincinnatus, 8º. 251. Tracts, Politics of America, to wit, Knox, Burke, &', 8º. 252. Debates on the Constitution in the Convention of Massachusetts, 8º. 1788. 253. New York, 8º. 254. Pennsylvania, 8º. 255. Virginia, 8º. 256. Debates of the Assembly of Pennsylvania, on the Bank, 1788, 8º. 257. Tracts on the American Constitution by Wilson, Martin, Pinckney, Jay, Monroe. 8º. 63. The Federal Farmer, 12º. 64. The Federalist, by Madison and Hamilton, 2 v 12º. 65. Chipman's sketches of the Principles of Government, 12º. 258. Journals of Congress from 1774-88, 13 v. 8º. 435. " of the House of Representatives, 1789-93, 2 v fol. 436. " of the House of Representatives, 1789-93, 5 v fol. 437. " of the Senate 1789-93, 4 v fol. 438. " of the Senate 1789-93, 2 v fol. 259. " of the House of Representatives of the U.S. 1793-1809, 17 v. 8º. 260. " of the Senate of the United States, 1793-1809, 12 v 8º. 439. Morris's Accounts, 1781-4. fol 440. Official Reports, 1790-1. fol. 441. The Public debt, 1794. fol. 442. Public accounts, 1797-1801, 2 v fol. 443. State Papers, 1795-1809, 8 v fol. 444. Receipts and Expenditures, 1793, 4, 8, 1801, 2, 4, 5, 6. fol 7 v. 261. State papers, 1793-1812, 36 v 8º. 262. Political Tracts, American, 1784, 91, to wit, Hamilton, Murray, Logan, Leavenworth, &c. 8º. 263. Pamphlets American, 1793-4, 8º. 66. British Treaty, and pieces on it, 12º. 264. Callender's Political register, 94, 5, 2 v 8º. 265. Pamphlets American, 1795, 8º. 266. American Remembrancer, 1795, 3 v 8º. 267. Monroe's View of the Foreign affairs of the United States, 8º. 268. Debates of Congress on the Treaty Power, 1796, 2 v 8º. 269. Gallatin's sketches of the Finances of the U.S. 1796, 8º. 270. Callender's History of the United States, for 1796, 8º. 271. Pamphlets American, 1796, 8º. 272. Pamphlets American, 1797, 8º. 393. Washington's Valedictory, 8º. 273. Proceedings of the Commissioners on the British Debts, p. 4º. 67. Patrotic addresses to President Adams, 12º. 274. Political Pamphlets, American, 1798, 8º. 275. Callender's sketches for 1798, 8º. 276. Callender's Sedgwick and Co, 1798, 8º. 68. Thomson's Letters of Curtius, 12º. 69. Communications and Resolutions of Virginia on the Alien and Sedition Laws, 12º. 277. Callender's Prospect before us, 1799, 8º. 394. Memoires sur le navire le New Jersey, 4º. 278. Political Pamphlets, American, 1799, 8º. 279. " " " 1793-1800, 8º. 280. " " 1800, 2 v 8º. 281. " " 1801, 8º. 282. Callender's history of the Congress of 1801, 8º. 283. Thomson on the Liberty and Licentiousness of the Press. 8º. 284. Political American, 1791-1802, 8º. 285. Political Pamphlets, 1800-1802, 8º. 286. Old South, by Benj. Austin, 8º. 287. The United States' Claims on France, 8º. 288. Burr's case by Cheetham, 8º. 289. Political Pamphlets, 1803-5, 8º. 290. Political American, 1806, 8º. 291. Dº. , 1807, 8º. 292. The Embargo, 1808, 8º. 293. Political, 1808, 8º. 294. British Negociations, 1808, 8º. 295. Political Pamphlets, 1808-9, 8º. 296. Dº. 1810, 8º. 297. Dº. 1811,-12, 8º. 298. a. Capture of Olive Branch, 8º. 299. Constitutions of the States of America, 8º. 70. } } Dº. 12º. 2 cop. 71. } 72. Constitution of Tennessee, 12º. 73. " " Louisiana, 12º. 395. Constitutions des Treize Etats Unis de l'Amerique, par le Duc de la Rochefoucault, 4º. 445. Journals of the Assembly of Virginia, 40-59, 60-74, 78-81, 84-85, 4 v fol. 300. Louisiana, 1803-4, 8º. 301. Message on Louisiana, and documents-to wit Lewis & Clarke, Dunbar, Sibley. 446. Memoires sur la Louisiane, fol.- 302. Territories of Columbia and Michigan, fol. 303. Topographical 8º. 304. Local Politics. 1802-5. 2 v. 8º. 396. The Case of the Batture at New-Orleans, 4º. 305. Do. 3 v. 8.- 306. Magdalena y Yrujo, 8º.- 307. Land Companies, 1802-4 8º.- 308. Skipwith's letters. 8º.- 309. Wilkinson's Memoirs, 8º.- 310. Personal Pamphlets, 2 v 8º.- 311. I1 Colbertismo dal Mengotti. 8º. 397. Stewart's Political Economy, 2 v 4º. 312. Meditazione sulla oeconomica political dal Beccaria 8º. 313. Physiocratie de Quesnay, 2 v 8º.- 314. De l'ordre Social, par le Trosne, 8º. 315. De l'administration Provinciale, et de la reforme de l'impot par le Trosne, 2 v 8º. 74. L'ordre des societes politiques, par de la Riviere, avec les doutes de L'abbe Mably, 3 v. 12º. 75. La Theorie de l'imp6t, par Mirabeau, 2 v 12º. 76. L'ami des Hommes par Mirabeau, 5 v 12º. 316. Ouvrages choisis de Turgot, 8º. 317. (Euvres de Turgot, 9 v. 8º. 318. Explication du tableau economique, par l'abbe Baudeau, 8º. 319. Tracts on Commerce, Dupont &c, Notes by Dr Franklin, 8º. 320. Smith's Enquiry into the Causes of the Wealth of Nations, 3 v 8º. 321. New and old principles of Trade Compared, by Vaughan, 8º. 322. Traite d'Economie politique par Say, 2 v 8º.- 323. Foronda de la Economia political, 3 v. 8º. 324. Lauderdale on the Nature and origin of public Wealth 8º. 325. Provedimenti Amnonarj dal Fabbroni, 8º. 398. Clarke on Saxon, Roman and English coins 4º. 77. Law on Money and trade, 12º.- 326. Tracts on Money, French, 8º.- 399. Essai supplementaire a l'Encyclopedie Sur les Monnaies, par Beyerle, 4º. 400. Mesures, Monnoies, Poids, extraits de l'Encyclopedie Methodique, 4º. 327. Tracts on banks and paper Money, to wit, Wilson, Morris, Paine, 8º. 328. Petty's political Arithmetic 8º 329. Malthus on the principles of population, 2 v. 8º. 401. Arithmetique Lineaire de Playfair, 4º. 330. Playfair's Statistical Breviary and Commercial and Political Atlas, 8º. 331. Blodget, Statistical Manual for the U.S. of America, 8º. 332. Statistique elementaire de la France, par Peuchet, 1805, 8º. 333. Thaarup Statistick Danske, 8º. 402. Commercia de Romani, dal Mengotti, 4º. 78. Discourse on trade and Coin, p 4º. 79. Pettus on trade, 12º. 80. Gee on Trade, 12º. 81. Tucker on Trade, 12º. 82. Decker on Trade, 12º. 83. Child on Trade, 12º. 84. Condillac Sur le Commerce et le Gouvernement, 12º. 334. Prospectus du Dictionnaire de Commerce de L'abbe Morellet, 8º. 335. Montefiore's Commercial Dictionary, 8º. 336. Anderson's history of Commerce, with Coombe's Continuation, 6 v. 8º. 337. L'Intelligence du Commerce, de Malisset, 2 v. 8º. 447. Tableau du Commerce de la Russie, par le Comte Romanzoff, 3 v. fol. 338. Almanac de Commerce, par Tinna, 1808, 8º. 403. Impositions en Europe par Beaumont, 5 v 4º. 339. Recueil Alphabetique des Droits des Traites, 4 v 8º. 340. Tariff des Droits, 8º. 341. Dupont sur le traits de Commerce entire la France et l'Angleterre, 8º. 342. Reeve's history of the Law of Shipping and Navigation, 8º. 404. The Universal Merchant, 4º. 343. The Same, by Aldridge, 8º. 85. The British Merchant, 2d & 3d v. 12º. 86. Every Man his own Broker, by Mortimer, 12º.- 344. Biscoe's Merchant's Magazine, 8º. 345. Hoppus's Measuring, 8º. 346. The American Negociator, 8º. 405. Baldwin's British Customs, or rates of Merchandise, 4º. 347. British Rates by Sims, 8º. 348. Edgar's book of rates 8º. 448. Carkesse's book of rates, fol. 449. British Tobacco and corn Laws, fol. 450. Ld. Hawkesbury's report on the Corn Laws, 4º 349. The American Traveller, p 4º. 350. Ld. Sheffield on the American Commerce, 6th Ed. of 1784, 8º. 351. Tracts on American Commerce, 1783-7, to wit Sheffield 1st Ed., Ruston, Swan, Coxe, 8º. 352. Claviere et Warville, de la France et des Etats Unis; 8º.- 353. Swan sur le Commerce entire la France et les Etats Unis, 8º. 406. Commerce de L'Amerique par Marseilles, 2 v in 1. 4º. 407. Tract on American Commerce, to wit, Memoire pour les Negocions de l'Orient, 4o.- 354. Tracts, American, on the commerce of the U.S. &c. 8º. 355. Coxe's view of the U.S. 8º. 356. Richesses, Dette, Finance, Population, par de la Tour, Baudeau, Coyer &c, 8º. 451. Maddox's history of the Exchequer, fol. 357. Davenant on grants and resumptions, 8º. 87. Davis' Impositions, 12º. 358. Stevens' History of Taxes 8º. 359. Devenants reports on the public accounts, 1711. 8º. 360. Excise Tracts, 2 v 8º. 361. Gale's Essay on public credit, 8º. 408. Sinclair on the Revenues of the British Empire, 4º. 362. Tracts on English Finance, by the Earl of Stair and Craufurd, 8º. 363. Casaux sur le Mechanisme des Societes. 8º. 409. Political Tracts on the finances of France, England and the U.S. 1789-90, 4º. 364. Cavendish's public Accounts of Ireland, 1791, 8º.

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Foreword   |   Introduction   |   Selected Reading List   |   Editorial Note   |   Chapter: 1  |  2   |   3  |  4   |   5  |  6   |   7  |  8   |   9  |  10   |   11   |   12   |   13   |   14   |   15   |   16   |   17   |   18   |   19   |   20   |   21   |   22   |   23   |   24   |   25   |   26   |   27   |   28   |   29   |   30   |   31   |   32   |   33   |   34   |   35   |   36   |   37   |   38   |   39   |   40   |   41   |   42   |   43   |   44   |   Appendix

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