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Chapter 42 of
Thomas Jefferson's Library: A Catalog with the Entries in His Own Order

edited by
James Gilreath and Douglas L. Wilson

1989 Library of Congress

Reproduced 2001

Table of Contents   |    Sources cited   |  Catalog record and links to related information from the Library of Congress catalog


Chapter 42.

Criticism Bibliography.

7. Jones, Poeseos Asiaticae Commentaria, 8º. 8. Lowth de Poesi Hebraeorum, 8º. 1. Blackwell on the Sacred Classics, 2 v 12º. 2. Blackwell on the Classics, 12º. 9. Vossius de Historicis Graecis, p 4º. 10. Vossius de Historicis Latinis, p 4º. 11. Fabricii Bibliotheca Latina, 8º. 3a. Bibliotheque Choisie, 28 v 12º (3d wanting) 3b. Bibliotheque des Sciences et des Arts, 63 v 12º. 12. Nicholson's Historical Library, 8º. 4. Whear de Methodo Legendi historians, 12º. 13. Essay on Shakespeare by M" Montague, 8º. 5. Richardson's Analysis of Shakespeare's characters, 12º. 14. Warton's Observations on Spencer, 2 v 8º. 15. Aristarchus Anti Bentleianus, by Johnson, 8º. 16. Monthly Review, 31 v to 1764 and 1786, 7, 8, 4v. 35 v 8º. 17. Ayscough's Index to the Monthly Review, from 1749 to 1784, 2 v 8º. 18. Critical Reviews for 1786, 7, 8, 3 v 8º. 19. The Edinburgh Review, 7 v 8º. 20. Bibliographie Instructive de De Bure, 9 v 8º. 21. Annuaire de la Librairie, par Fleischer, 8º. 22. Alber's American Annals in Physics, Chemistry, &c 12º 1803. 6. Worral's Catalogue of Law Books, 12º. 23. Miller's Retrospect of the 18th Century, 2 v 8º.

Previous Chapter  |  Next Chapter
Foreword   |   Introduction   |   Selected Reading List   |   Editorial Note   |   Chapter: 1  |  2   |   3  |  4   |   5  |  6   |   7  |  8   |   9  |  10   |   11   |   12   |   13   |   14   |   15   |   16   |   17   |   18   |   19   |   20   |   21   |   22   |   23   |   24   |   25   |   26   |   27   |   28   |   29   |   30   |   31   |   32   |   33   |   34   |   35   |   36   |   37   |   38   |   39   |   40   |   41   |   42   |   43   |   44   |   Appendix

Table of Contents | Sources cited   |   Catalog record and links to related information from the Library of Congress catalog

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