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CEU Requirements (PMC Report)

Ongoing Requirements for the BCE program


Once a person becomes a BCE they are required to submit a tri-annual report to the ESA Certification Coordinator. This is a list of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) that proves they have continued with their entomological training. The report is called the Professional Maintenance and Certification Report (PMC) and will cover the preceding three years’ education. The PMC Report is integral to the success and status of the BCE program, in that BCEs are required to prove they maintain currency in the field of entomology. The report is due on March 15th of the year following the third year covered in the report (e.g., a report due on March 15th, 2006 would cover 2003, 2004, and 2005).

CEUs are earned in one of two categories. The BCE must have a minimum of 120 total CEUs for the three-year reporting period, with at least 72 of those coming from Category A. The categories are:

Category A: Continuing Education

Category B: Professional Participation



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