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Why is Certification Important?

In many professions, certification is de rigeur. Historically that has not always been the case in the life sciences, but that appears to be a changing phenomenon.

Insects outnumber humans more than 1.6 billion to one. They are one of the most plentiful and successful life forms on the planet and they are the cornerstone of our ability to survive on earth. Consider the number of crops that require insect interaction for pollination, the life forms that use them as a food source, the knowledge we have gained from studying their DNA, and so on.

Insects are the root of all life on earth.

Those who study insects are called entomologists. Within the field there are many ways that a person can specialize their training. Some study insects’ impact on crop yields, some study the medical impact they have on humans and other animals, and still others focus on ways to limit the damaging influence that insects can have on the population.

While many entomologists receive educational training to the point of obtaining a doctorate degree, some choose to also become board or associate certified to document their training and knowledge base.

The Entomological Society of America operates two certification programs for entomologists:

  • Board Certified Entomologists (BCEs) are those who have passed at least two rigorous examinations to test their knowledge and are specialized in one or more areas of entomology. Generally, the BCE is more likely to have received formalized education in entomology, including a PhD in many cases. BCEs agree to ascribe to a code of ethical behavior and meet a minimum number of education requirements on an annual basis. Click here to see a roster of current BCEs.

  • Associate Certified Entomologists (ACEs) are those who have passed at least one rigorous examination to test their knowledge. They generally specialize in pest control. ACEs also agree to ascribe to a code of ethical behavior, and – as part of their certification renewal process – must annually provide a copy of a current pesticide applicator’s license. Click here to see a roster of current ACEs.


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