Sequoyah NWR
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Nestled in gently rolling foothills of the Ozark Mountains, Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge is home to wildlife as unique as the bald eagle and as elusive as the bobcat. Fertile bottomlands at the confluence of the Arkansas and Canadian Rivers make this east-central Oklahoma refuge a terrific wildlife viewing destination.

Listen to the din of quacking mallards and honking geese in winter. Mallards by the thousands choose the Refuge as their seasonal home along the central flyway. They're joined by gadwall, pintail, teal, wigeon, shoveler and wood ducks, along with the largest flocks of snow geese in Oklahoma. Bald eagles that

Sequoyah NWR Headquarters
Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters, Vian, Oklahoma, FWS Photo
had once all but vanished, now nest on the Refuge. In winter, you can see numerous eagles roosting in cottonwoods or swooping over the waters in search of fish or waterfowl.

Refuge News and Current Events!

Hunting Season Changes for 2007and 2008
Eagle Watch Days - January- 10 and 24, February- 7, 14, 21, 28, and March- 7. Meet at the refuge office at 9:00 a.m. for the guided field trip.
Duck and Goose Seasons - For season dates go to