Sandy River Basin Plan Partners

Photo by Josh Kling/Western Rivers Conservancy.

About Western Rivers Conservancy

Western Rivers Conservancy acts to protect outstanding river ecosystems in the western United States. We acquire land to conserve critical habitat, provide for compatible public use and enjoyment and cooperate with other agencies and organizations to secure the health of whole ecosystems. Western Rivers Conservancy is responsible for buying land to create 17 miles of conservation corridors along the Sandy and Little Sandy Rivers.
Western Rivers Conservancy web site

About the Bureau of Land Management

The BLM, an agency of the U.S. Department of the Interior, manages more land — 261 million surface acres — than any other federal agency. The BLM’s multiple-use mission is to sustain the health and productivity of the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. BLM Website

Land and Water Conservation Fund

Created by Congress in 1964, the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) provides funding to federal, state and local governments to purchase lands for open space and recreation purposes. The LWCF uses off-shore oil lease receipts to pay for land purchases, authorizing up to $900 million each year.

For further information about BLM’s Sandy River Basin Plan contact:

Zachary Jarrett, Cascades Outdoor Recreation Planner
email: or call: 503-375-5610

Cindy Enstrom, Cascades Field Office Manager
(503) 315-5969