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Hot new version of Science.gov

Science.gov 5.0, the latest version of the fab search tool for science info, is now available. Check it out here. The new version has seven new databases with access to more than 200 million pages of scientific information, according to the Dept. of Energy.

DOE's Office of Scientific and Technical Information in Oak Ridge manages Science.gov.

The release distributed to the news media says:

New information available includes thousands of patents resulting from U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) research and development; documents and bibliographic citations of DOE accomplishments; millions of electronic scientific documents from around the world known as e-prints; and comprehensive and peer-reviewed toxicology data for thousands of chemicals as well as more than 3 million references to worldwide literature on the adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms. New information also includes a digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature and cancer-related information of all kinds for all audiences, including support and treatment resources for patients, comprehensive descriptions of research programs and clinical trials for healthcare professionals and the general public, and funding opportunities for researchers.


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    mugFrank Munger will be covering the Dept. of Energy's Oak Ridge facilities and other things nuclear. The blog will include random thoughts and opinions, behind-the-scenes tidbits, and expanded coverage and analysis of Oak Ridge news. Contact Frank.