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What to report

Western needs your help in fighting crime at its facilities. Report theft, vandalism, waste, fraud and abuse by calling toll-free 1-800-209-8962.

Be Western's eyes. Be a crime witness.

Incidents of theft, malicious mischief, destruction of government property and sabotage have increased at Western and in the utility industry. Historically, crimes against Western’s facilities, equipment, real estate, employees, property and assets have cost the agency up to half a million dollars a year. This includes equipment and supply theft, burglary, illegal dumping and vandalism.

Damaging Western transmission lines and property is a crime. It’s a crime that affects us all. Gunshot damage to transmission lines can also create life-threatening hazards if the action downs a conductor or denies power to someone on life-support equipment. Downed transmission lines can also start wild fires and kill or injure someone.

Call toll-free 1-800-209-8962 if you see anyone:

  • Shooting at Western’s insulators, power lines, transmission towers or substation equipment
  • Dumping waste or other materials on Western’s property
  • Vandalizing Western’s property, buildings and vehicles
  • Stealing Western equipment, supplies, tools or materials
  • Harming Western staff