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Scientific and Technical Publications


To meet the demand for rapid dissemination of information many reports are now available on the web.  Links below will take you to full text reports pdf format. Documents can be downloaded, read or printed by using the free Adobe Reader.

Copies of reports are available from the Minerals Management Service free of charge, as long as supplies last, by contacting the Alaska Region at akwebmaster@mms.gov.  Once the supply is exhausted, copies can be purchased from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) at www.ntis.gov, or borrowed through an Interlibrary Loan from the Alaska Resources Library & Information Services (ARLIS) or reviewed at participating Federal Depository libraries.

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002
  2001 2000 1990s 1980s 1970s ESUs


ESU029 Aerial Surveys of Endangered Whales in the Northern Bering, Eastern Chukchi, and Alaskan Beaufort Seas, 1983: With a Five-Year Review 1979-1983
ESU028 Bowhead and Gray Whale Migration Model Description, Interim Report #1
ESU026 Fall 1983 Beaufort Sea Seismic Monitoring and Bowhead Whale Behavior Studies
ESU025 Investigations of the Potential Effects of Underwater Noise from Petroleum Industry Activities on Migrating Gray Whale Behavior
ESU024 Feasibility of Dynamic Models of the Interaction of Potential Oil Spills with Bowhead and Gray Whales in the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
ESU023 Behavior, Disturbance Responses and Distribution of Bowhead Whales, Balaena Mysticetus, in the Eastern Beaufort Sea
ESU022 Satellite Monitoring of Humpback Whale Diving Behavior and Movements, Progress Report
ESU020 Investigations of the Potential Effects of Under-Water Noise from Petroleum Industry Activities on Migrating Gray Whale Behavior
ESU019 An Evaluation of Three Radio Tags Applied to Gray Whales and Their Utility in Assessing Whale Movements and Dive Characteristics
ESU018 Design and Testing of a New Radio-Tag for Instrumenting Large Whales
ESU017 Radio Tagging of Finback Whales - Iceland
ESU016 Ambient Industrial and Biological Sounds Recorded in the Northern Bering, Eastern Chukchi and Alaskan Beaufort Seas during the Seasonal Migrations of the Bowhead Whale
ESU015 Behavior, Disturbance Responses and Distribution of Bowhead Whales, Balaena Mysticetus, in the Eastern Beaufort Sea
ESU014 Report on Studies to Monitor the Interaction between Offshore Geophysical Exploration Activities and Bowhead Whales in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea
ESU013 The Effects of Oil on the Feeding Mechanism of the Bowhead Whale.
ESU012 Feasibility of Tracking Whales Using the ARGOS Satellite System
ESU011 Observed Densities of Bowhead Whales in the Beaufort Sea in Relation to the Barrier Islands between 146' and 150' W Longitude
ESU010 Behavior, Disturbance Responses and Feeding of Bowhead Whales, Balaena Mysticetus, in the Beaufort Sea, 1980-1981
ESU009 Aerial Surveys of Endangered Whales in the Beaufort, Eastern Chukchi, and Northern Bering Seas
ESU008 Aerial Surveys of Endangered Whales in the Beaufort, Chukchi, and Northern Bering Seas
ESU007 Tissue Structural Studies and Other Investigations on the Biology of Endangered Whales in the Beaufort Sea, Volumes I, II
ESU006 Behavior, Disturbance Responses and Feeding of Bowhead Whales in the Beaufort Sea, 1990
ESU005 Final Report to the BLM on Development of Large Cetacean Tagging and Tracking in OCS Lease Area
ESU004 Bowhead Whales in the Beaufort Sea: A Summary of Their Seasonal Distribution and Activities, and Potential Disturbance by Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration and Development
ESU003 Aerial Surveys of Endangered Whales in the Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea and Northern Bering Sea, Fall 1980
ESU002 Investigation of the Occurrence and Behavior Patterns of Whales in the Vicinity of the Beaufort Sea Lease Area, 1979
ESU001 Aerial Surveys of Bowhead Whales, North Slope, Alaska - Fall 1979

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