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Disease-Specific Treatment

Oral Ulceration

SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan)
Patient Education


Oral ulcerations appear as necrotic or eroded areas on the oral mucosa, including the tongue. Most such lesions are idiopathic (aphthous) or of viral etiology (eg, herpes simplex virus [HSV]; rarely herpes zoster [VZV]). Oral ulcerations also may be caused by fungal, parasitic, or bacteriologic pathogens; by malignancy; or by other systemic processes. This chapter will focus on herpetic and aphthous ulcers.

Herpetic ulcerations tend to appear on keratinized tissues such as the hard palate or gingiva. Aphthous ulcerations tend to manifest on nonkeratinized tissues such as buccal mucosa, soft palate, and lingual (bottom) surface of the tongue.

SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan)


The patient complains of painful ulcerated areas in mouth. He or she may have difficulty eating, drinking, swallowing, or opening the mouth, and also may complain of sore throat.

Inquire about previous occurrences of oral ulcerative disease as well as ulcerative gastrointestinal diseases, including HSV, cytomegalovirus (CMV), or histoplasmosis. Ask about recent sexual exposures. Inquire about recent trauma or burns. Note current medications and any recent changes in medications; obtain history of tobacco (smoked and chewed) and alcohol use.


Look for red or white-bordered erosions or ulcerations varying in size from 1 mm to 2 cm on the buccal mucosa, oropharynx, tongue, lips, gingiva, and hard or soft palate. Lesions due to HSV tend to be shallow and occur on keratinized tissues. HSV lesions may appear as clusters of vesicles that may coalesce into ulcerations with scalloped borders. Aphthous ulcers present with a white or gray pseudomembrane surrounded by a halo of inflammation.


Rule out recurrence of previous gastrointestinal or oral lesions, such as HSV and aphthous ulcers. Rule out syphilis and other suspected pathogens.


Diagnostic Evaluation

The diagnosis of HSV and aphthous ulcers usually is made on the basis of characteristic lesions. If diagnosis is uncertain, it is possible to perform HSV culture or HSV antigen detection using direct florescent antibody (DFA) testing on oral ulcerations that appear on keratinized tissues or the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the tongue, scraping near the margin of the lesion or unroofing a fresh vesicle, if available, and scraping the base. The sensitivity of HSV testing decreases when collections are taken from older, resolving herpetic areas; herpetic lesions >72 hours old usually will not yield a positive culture.

If other diagnoses are suspected, perform culture or biopsy as indicated.

Note that syphilis is very common in some HIV-infected populations. For patients in whom primary syphilis (manifested by an oral chancre) is suspected, perform (or refer for) darkfield examination; check Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) or rapid plasma reagin (RPR) results (note that VDRL or RPR may be negative in primary syphilis); see Syphilis chapter for further information.


If HSV culture is positive, or if HSV is strongly suspected due to the appearance of the lesions or the patient's history, treat with HSV antiviral medication (eg, acyclovir, famciclovir, or valacyclovir) while awaiting results of culture. Do not use topical steroids without a concomitant oral HSV antiviral if the lesion is of possible herpetic etiology. Refer to Herpes Simplex, Mucocutaneous chapter for more complete information regarding management and treatment of HSV lesions.

Recalcitrant aphthous ulcerations should be treated with topical corticosteroids (eg, fluocinonide 0.05% or clobetasol 0.05% ointments mixed 1:1 with Orabase). For multiple small lesions or lesions in areas where topical ointments are difficult to apply, consider dexamethasone elixir (0.5 mg/5 mL). Rinse 3 times daily with 5 mL for 1 minute, then expectorate. As with all oral topical steroids, advise the patient not to drink or eat for 30 minutes after rinsing. Continue treatment for 1 week or until lesions resolve.

Some aphthous ulcers may respond to one of the various "magic mouthwashes" that contain combinations of antibiotic, antifungal, corticosteroid, antihistamine, and anesthetic medication. The inclusion of an antihistamine (eg, diphenhydramine) and/or anesthetic (eg, lidocaine) may be helpful in treating pain associated with these ulcers.

For large or extensive aphthous ulcers, systemic corticosteroids may be needed: prednisone 40-60 mg orally daily for 1 week followed by a taper should prove beneficial. If this is ineffective, refer for biopsy to rule out CMV, other infection, or neoplastic disease.

For patients with major oral aphthous ulcers that are recalcitrant to other therapies, thalidomide 200 mg daily for 2 weeks may be considered. Thalidomide should not be used in women of childbearing potential due to its teratogenicity. It must be used very carefully with thorough patient education and 2 concomitant methods of birth control.

Pain control may be needed in order for the patient to maintain food intake and prevent weight loss. Most of the topical treatments noted above will ease pain as well as treat the ulcer. Additional considerations for pain control include:

bulletFor small accessible ulcerations, topically apply Orabase Soothe-N-Seal (2-octyl cyanoacrylate) directly to the lesion every 4-6 hours. (This is an over-the-counter product.)
bulletOral anesthetics: Various products are available such as gels, viscous liquids, or sprays (eg, benzocaine, lidocaine). These may be applied topically or swished and expectorated. They will provide temporary relief, but also may lead to a temporary loss of taste sensation.
bulletSystemic: If topical treatments are inadequate, consider systemic analgesics, eg, nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs or opiates. Refer to the Pain Syndrome and Peripheral Neuropathy chapter.

Assess nutritional status and consider adding liquid food supplements. Suggest soft, nonspicy, or salty foods if the ulcer is interfering with food intake. Refer to a registered dietitian if client is having pain, problems eating, or weight loss.

Refer to an oral health specialist or an HIV-experienced dentist as needed.

Patient Education

Key teaching points
bulletAdvise patients to report any oral pain or difficulty swallowing to their health care provider.
bulletInstruct patients in the application of topical ointments, and that they may require assistance if the lesion is difficult for the patient to see on his or her own.
bulletIt is important for patients to maintain good nutrition and food intake while their oral ulcers heal. Advise them to eat soft, bland foods, and refer to a nutritionist if they have difficulty.


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bulletBartlett JG, Gallant JE. 2005-2006 Medical Management of HIV Infection. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Division of Infectious Diseases; 2005. Available online at hopkins-aids.edu/mmhiv/order.html.
bulletGreenspan D. Oral Manifestations of HIV. In: Peiperl L, Coffey S, Volberding PA, eds. HIV InSite Knowledge Base [textbook online]; San Francisco: UCSF Center for HIV Information; June 1998. Accessed February 7, 2006.