Inside HRSA, March 2008 - Health Resources and Services Administration
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On the Move to New Positions


Office of Management (OM)

Alex Huttinger and Lori Walker


Lori Walker is director of OM's Division of Management Services and the executive officer for the Office of the Administrator and OA’s offices. Walker was previously assigned to the Office of the HHS Secretary’s Executive Office, where she served as special assistant to the executive officer and as manager of Program Business Services since 2002.

Alex Huttinger is director of OM’s Division of Policy Review and Coordination, commonly referred to as Exec Sec. Huttinger has served four years in the Division as policy analyst, deputy director and acting director. She came to HRSA through the HRSA Scholars program in 2002.

Photo: Alex Huttinger and Lori Walker


Office of Federal Assistance Management (OFAM)

Sarah Hammond, Terry Hatchett, and Sola Osilesi


Sarah Hammond is a grants management specialist in OFAM’s Division of Grants Management Operations, Health Services Branch. Hammond previously worked as a program analyst in the private sector where she wrote and managed grants.

Terry Hatchett is a grants management specialist in OFAM’s Division of Grants Management Operations, Health Services Branch.

Sola Osilesi is a grants management specialist in OFAM’s Division of Grants Management Operations, Health Services Branch. Osilesi previously spent a year working as a grants technical assistant at NIH’s Center for Scientific Review.

Photo: Sarah Hammond, Terry Hatchett, and Sola Osilesi

Ardena Githara


Ardena Githara is a grants management specialist in OFAM’s Division of Grants Management Operations, Research and Training Branch. Githara comes to HRSA from the private sector with eight years of professional and educational experience in grants management.

Photo: Ardena Githara

Melissa Washington


Melissa Washington is a financial management specialist in OFAM’s Division of Financial Integrity. Washington comes to HRSA from the private sector with over 30 years of experience in the financial field.

Photo: Melissa Washington


Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB)

Donelle McKenna


Donelle McKenna is a public health analyst in MCHB’s Division of Services for Children with Special Health Needs, Traumatic Brain Injury Program. McKenna previously worked as a training coordinator in HRSA’s Office of Management, Division of Workforce Management. McKenna came to HRSA through the Scholars Program in 2005.

Photo: Donelle McKenna

Morrisa Rice


Morrisa Rice is a public health analyst in MCHB's Office of Women’s Health. Rice previously worked in the Office of Financial Management, Financial Policy Branch. Rice came to HRSA through the Scholars Program in 2005.

Photo: Morrisa Rice

Keisher Highsmith


Keisher Highsmith is a public health analyst in MCHB’s Division of State and Community Health. Previously Highsmith worked in the Office of Information Technology, Division of Electronic Information and Data Management. Highsmith came to HRSA through the Scholars Program in 2004.

Photo: Keisher Highsmith

Tyler Nathaniel Highsmith
Tyler Nathaniel Highsmith, born March 2, 2008. Congratulations, Keisher & Family!

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