Initiatives | Marinas | Publications

Clean Marina Publications


There are a variety of guidance documents available for helping marinas become "clean marinas." Most state clean marina programs also offer free technical assistance in adopting clean marina best management practices.

Technical Guidance

Guidance Specifying the Management Measures for Sources of Nonpoint Pollution in Coastal Waters: Marina and Recreational Boating Management Measures (EPA, 1993)

National Management Measures to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution from Marinas and Recreational Boating (EPA, 2002)


Clean Marinas Clear Value (EPA, 1996)

Brochures and Factsheets

The Coastal Nonpoint Program and the Clean Marina Initiative (NOAA, 2005) — Factsheet on NOAA's role in the Clean Marina Initiative.

Shipshape Shores and Waters: A Handbook for Marina Operators and Recreational Boaters (EPA, 2003)

Other Sources

The National Clean Boating Network has an extensive bibliography of Clean Marina resources including guidebooks, factsheets, reports, and websites (some are available on-line).

See also specific state Clean Marina Program websites for state-specific Clean Marina Guidance and Best Management Practices manuals, fact sheets and brochures.

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