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Influenza / Flu

VA Influenza Vaccination Toolkit

2006 - 2007

Influenza vaccination in the VA health system is a priority. This toolkit will help VA health care providers and other staff implement carry out our annual influenza vaccination program and also offer pneumoccocal pneumonia vaccination as appropriate. It includes clinical and practical information as well as tangible tools to promote and carry out the program.

VA Influenza Toolkit Manual

Va Flu Toolkit Manual
A new VA Influenza Toolkit is available for 2008 - 2009. You may download a printable version of the VA Influenza Toolkit Manual for 2008-2009 using the link below (the toolkit is a 2.5 megabyte PDF file).



Goals for 2006-2007

  • Increase the influenza vaccination rate of VHA employees to 60 % within VA health care facilities.
  • Increase our rate of influenza vaccination of veteran patients for each VA health care facility.
  • Promote consistent and proper documentation and tracking for all influenza vaccinations.
  • Promote nonvaccine methods of preventing infection, particularly hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.
  • Encourage the entire VA health care community to promote and support influenza vaccination.


VA Staff Receiving Toolkits

These kits are being mailed to three key contact groups in VA facilities:

  • “Flu” coordinators at medical centers and long-term care facilities
  • Occupational health clinicians
  • Infection control professionals

During flu season, other VA groups play important supporting roles in our vaccination campaign. These include prevention managers, patient educators, education contacts, patient safety staff, and public affairs officers, as well as facility leadership . We encourage collaboration within VA facilities to reach patients, employees, and volunteers from all vantage points. The more groups who promote and participate in flu campaign efforts, the closer VA will be to meeting this year’s goals.

VA Influenza Toolkit Manual Related Downloads


Influenza Poster Downloads

Buttons and Stickers

Influenza Button and Sticker Templates

Toolkit Manual Cover & Spine

Cover & Spine Artwork


Please note:: Some of the above forms and files require program specific document viewers.
For Adobe Acrobat PDF: Click here to download the Acrobat Plugin.
For Microsoft Powerpoint PPT: Click here to download PowerPoint Viewer 2003.
For Microsoft Excel XLS: Click here to download Excel Viewer 2003.
For Microsoft Word: Click here to download Word Viewer 2003.