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Chemistry and Structural Biology Faculty
Selected Links
•  Bob Moschel's Memorial Web site
•  Chris Michejda's Memorial Web site
•  Dr. Victor Marquez Receives Leopoldo Garcia-Colin-Scherer Medal
Dr. Victor Marquez was awarded the Leopoldo Garcia-Colin-Scherer Medal at the Third Mexican Meeting on Mathematical and Experimental Physics in Mexico City, Mexico (September 10-14, 2007). It is the highest recognition of the Physics Department at Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana (UAM)-Iztapalapa for excellence in scientific research. The award consists of a gold medal and a certificate describing the winner's major contributions. This distinction recognizes outstanding international scientists for their contributions to the development of science.
•  Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry
•  Structural Biophysics Laboratory
•  Macromolecular Crystallography Laboratory
•  Molecular Targets Development Program
•  CCR Nanobiology Program
•  Radioimmune Inorganic Chemistry Section
•  Radiation Biology Branch
•  Laboratory of Comparative Carcinogenesis
This page was last updated on 11/18/2008.

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