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1998 Salary and Pay Schedules

[Dividing Line Image]

Table of Contents | EX | ES | ST | RS | GS | EE | AD | WS | WL | WG | WT | CC

[Dividing Line Image]

Silvio Conte

Senior Biomedical Research Service


$72,525 not-to-exceed $151,800

This pay band is established in accordance with Section 228 of the Public Health Service Act. The pay of a member of the Silvio Conte Senior Biomedical Research Service shall not be less than the minimum rate payable for GS-15 of the General Scheule and shall not exceed the rate payable for level I of the Executive Schedule unless approved by the President under section 5377(d)(2) of title 5, United States Code.

[Dividing Line Image]

2001 Pay | 2000 Pay  | 1999 Pay  | 1998 Pay  | OHR Home  | NIH Home

Reviewed or Updated: March 15, 2001


The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only