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Selected Defense Business Transformation announcements are archived below.


BTA Leaders visit USSTRATCOM
BTA senior leaders met with the U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) on September 18, the second such dialogue that the BTA leadership has initiated with one of the ten Unified Combatant Commands. The full article can be viewed online at http://www.defenselink.mil/bta/about/Newswire/stratcom_10_16_2007.html

2007 ETP Released
The Business Transformation Agency (BTA) proudly announces the re-introduction of our News Subscription Service beginning with the release of the 2007 Enterprise Transition Plan to Congress. We will continue to provide you with news of interest concerning BTA and hope that you find this service of value.

ETP released Friday, September 28

The 2007 Enterprise Transition Plan (ETP) was delivered to Congress Friday, September 28. The ETP serves as the Department of Defense roadmap for business transformation. It contains milestones, metrics, costs/budgets, accomplishments and plans for the 102 most important Department business IT investments.

The ETP information is relevant to the BTA in several ways. For example, it provides:

  • Summaries and accomplishments of DBSAE programs as well as Transformation Priorities & Requirements efforts discussed in the Business Enterprise Priority (BEP) chapters, appendices and web-based dashboards
  • Summaries and accomplishments of key Component programs (including all major ERPs) discussed in the Component chapters and the overview section as well as appendices and web-based dashboards
  • A systems certification section with a table showing totals by IRB and Component of the more than 300 systems certified as being compliant with the Business Enterprise Architecture to date
  • Descriptions and status of each BTA focus area (including Business Capability Lifecycle) found in the chapter about BTA
  • Examples of how our transformation efforts have helped the warfighter found in the overview section.

The ETP can be accessed online at: http://www.defenselink.mil/dbt/products/2007_BEA_ETP/etp.html. In addition, there is a link to the ETP on the BTA Web Page (www.defenselink.mil/bta) under the "Products" tab.


BTA Leaders at Transformation & Innovation Conf.
Washington DC, May 22-24th, the Transformation and Innovation 2006 Conference will feature over 50 case studies and leadership sessions on topics such as Service-Oriented Architecture, Open Source Software, and Business Process Management. Participants will benefit from learning innovative strategy, technique, and viewing technologies which affect business process, system and architecture transformation.

The event will provide a look inside of the Department of Defense (DoD’s) Business Transformation Agency (BTA) – an Agency founded on one of the world’s most agile and comprehensive Defense Business Transformation initiatives. Presenters from the BTA include Thomas Modly, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Financial Management; David Fisher, Defense Enterprise Integration Executive; David Scantling, Director of Information and Federation Strategy; Robert Love, Director of the Warfighter Support Office; and BEA Chief Architect Carol Macha.

Other speakers include Paul Strassmann, Distinguished Professor of Information Science at George Mason University and formerly Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Xerox, Director of Defense Information and Acting CIO of NASA. Also featured are case studies from the U.S. Department of Defense, The Hartford, Level 3 Communications, Oracle, Digium, Marriott, CollabNet, Cignex, 1800flowers.com, Lockheed Martin, the IBM SOA/Web Services Center of Excellence, and others among more than 50 implementers, practitioners, and end users.

To register now or find out more about the event visit: http://www.transformationandinnovation.com/

DoD Launches New Business Transformation Websites
Today, the Department of Defense (DoD) released two new websites designed to foster the business transformation process: the Defense Business Transformation (DBT) site and the Business Transformation Agency (BTA) website.

The Defense Business Transformation site focuses on those efforts that span all areas of business transformation such as the Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) and the Enterprise Transition Plan (ETP). The BTA site hosts all information related to the business of the BTA to include mission and functions and leadership biographies.

To learn more about these exciting milestones, please visit the websites cited below and be sure to update your bookmarks!

http://www.defenselink.mil/dbt and http://www.defenselink.mil/bta


BMMP Upgraded to Version 10 of Popkin Software's System Architect Tool
BMMP uses Popkin Software's System Architect Tool to capture, disseminate, and manage the DoD Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA). As of February 14, 2005, BMMP upgraded all active Program encyclopedias to System Architect Version 10.

Users must upgrade their machines in order to work with TSO encyclopedias.

Users with technical issues who want schedule upgrade assistance should contact the TSO Service Desk by phone (877-578-6638) or by e-mail (hq-TSO-servicedesk@dfas.mil).


BMMP Releases Version 2.3 of the BEA
Version 2.3 of the Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) has been released by the Business Management Modernization Program (BMMP).

Dr. Tibbits' Interview Airs Saturday, Sept. 25th
Dr. Paul Tibbits' interview with The Business of Government Hour will be airing this Saturday -- September 25th -- from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on WJFK FM 106.7 in Washington, DC.

A transcript of the interview is available at the Center for The Business of Government web site (http://www.businessofgovernment.org/). Information is also available on the BMMP web site.

Tibbits' Interview with The Business of Government
On Saturday, September 25, 2004 -- Dr. Paul Tibbits' interview on The Business of Government Hour will air on WJFK FM 106.7 between 9:00 - 10:00 AM. During this interview, Dr. Tibbits discusses the accomplishments of the Business Management Modernization Program (BMMP), as well as the future plans and objectives of this large initiative.

You can visit The Business of Government web site at http://www.businessofgovernment.org/ for more information. A transcript of Dr. Tibbits' interview will be available several days before September 25th. The information will also be available on the BMMP web site.

BMMP Releases New Version of the BEA
On August 2, 2004, the Business Management Modernization Program (BMMP) released version 2.2 of the Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA). To review this release and all the related architecture documents, visit the BMMP web site at the web link below.

BMMP Article in Defense AT&L Magazine
Looking to learn more about the Business Management Modernization Program (BMMP)? Read the latest article on BMMP in the July edition of Defense AT&L Magazine.

The article authored by Ms. Elizabeth McGrath, deputy director of the BMMP program office, Transformation Support Office is titled, "Say Goodbye to the Old Ways of Doing Business, And Hello to the Business Management Modernization Program."

BMMP at the 2004 ASMC PDI
TSO and BMMP Domain staff participated in the annual American Society of Military Comptrollers (ASMC) Professional Development Institute (PDI) conference in Cleveland, Ohio from June 1-4, 2004.

With the conference theme of “Transforming Today for Tomorrow’s Success,” attendees were able to learn more about the BMMP and Domain activities to-date, as well as future goals and objectives. The presentations focused on the following areas: BMMP Overview; Human Resource Management Domain; Logistics Domain; Strategic Planning & Budgeting Domain; Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area; Accounting and Finance Domain; Acquisition Domain; Installations & Environment Domain; and BMMP System Compliance.