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 [graphic] policies and procedures for processing National Register Nominations

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U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service


Most completed nominations meet the National Register criteria and documentation standards and are listed by the Keeper of the National Register or the Keeper's designee. When nominated properties do not meet the criteria for evaluation, they are rejected. The nomination is returned to the nominating authority with a written explanation of why the property does not meet the criteria. The nominating authority, at his or her discretion, may submit a revised nomination based on additional research or new facts brought to light to support the eligibility of the property. The resubmitted nomination will be given a substantive review when received by the National Park Service. When a property appears to meet the criteria, but the nomination does not meet documentation standards, there are two possible courses of action:

    . If the documentation problem affects the outcome of evaluating the eligibility of the resource, the nomination will be returned to the nominating authority with an explanation of the sections of documentation needing revision.
    . If the documentation is sufficient to evaluate the eligibility of the resource, but requires a correction, the National Register staff will prepare a Supplementary Listing Record (SLR)(see Appendix 1) and will list the property.

The Supplementary Listing Record is used to ensure clear consistent documentation while facilitating registration. The SLR is a modified National Register continuation sheet that becomes part of the nomination. The National Register staff will prepare SLR only of it can clarify the documentation question by a telephone consultation with the nominating authority. When an SLR is issued, it amends the nomination. The National Park Service sends a copy of the SLR to the nominating authority, who includes it in the documentation file for the property. As with other nominations, nominating authorities may amend the listing with new documentation following the issuance of an SLR if they choose to do so. Specific documentation issues for which the SLR may be used are outlined in the next section. Generally, there are two circumstances when the SLR may be used during the listing process:

    . For issues that can be clarified through telephone consultation; for example, missing acreage or incomplete UTM coordinates; and
    . When the nomination does not conform to the technical guidance provided in the National Register bulletin: How to Complete the National Register Registration Form. Often these matters may be incidental to resource evaluation; for example if construction materials for structural elements were listed in Section 7, this would provide an inaccurate characterization of the property, since this section of the form deals only with exterior materials.

In all cases, the Keeper retains discretion on whether to issue an SLR or return the nomination.


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