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 [graphic] policies and procedures for processing National Register Nominations

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U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service


If the answer to any of the questions is "no" then refer to the second line, which details the action that will be required. The "Action" indicates the circumstances in which the problem may be corrected with an SLR, and those in which the nomination must be returned.


    Is the form free of correction fluid or strips?
      Action: RETURN. Corrections may be made with these, but pages should then be photocopied on archival paper.

    Is the nomination clearly legible?

      Action: RETURN

    A note on presentation: Since nominations are frequently copied and distributed to a wide variety of individuals and organizations, it is important to proofread carefully to correct spelling and editing errors.

    If a Federal property has been included in a nomination submitted by the State, is it accompanied by either the signature of the FPO or a copy of the notification letter that was sent to the FPO?
      Action: RETURN

    Has the SHPO had an opportunity to comment on a nomination submitted by a Federal agency?

      Action: RETURN

    Has the original signature of the nominating authority been included?

      Action: RETURN

    Has the person signing the nomination been officially authorized to do so?

      Action: RETURN

    Has a recommendation for level of significance been given?

      Action: RETURN

    Is the count of contributing and non-contributing resources clear?
      Action: SLR if there is a counting error. Return if it is unclear which resources are contributing or non-contributing.

    Is the resource count supported by information in the text?

      Action: SLR if there is a counting error. Return if the count is not supported by the text.

    Has only one resource category been chosen?

      Action: SLR. Regardless of the number of resources included in the nomination, the property must be categorized as either a building, site, structure, object, or district. Choose only one of these.

    Has the correct category been chosen?

      Action: SLR

    Is the function included in How to Complete the National Register Registration Form?
      Action: SLR

    Is the function consistent with the text?

      Action: SLR

    Are functions for extant resources only?

      Action: SLR

    Do all historic functions fall within the period of significance?

      Action: SLR

    Is the current function accurate?

      Action: SLR

SECTION 7: DESCRIPTION, Architectural Style
    Is the style visible despite any alterations?
      Action: SLR

    Is the style accurate?

      Action: SLR

    Are materials consistent with the text?
      Action: SLR

    Are all predominant exterior materials indicated?

      Action: SLR

    Are all the materials visible from the exterior?

      Action: SLR

    Are materials in the appropriate category (e.g., is steel listed under "other materials" and not "walls" for a steel suspension bridge)?

      Action: SLR

    Are all materials included in How to Complete the National Register Registration Form?

      Action: SLR

SECTION 7: DESCRIPTION, Narrative Description
    Are the physical characteristics of either individual resources or groups of resources considered contributing described?
      Action: RETURN

    Does the text support the contributing/noncontributing designation of the resources?

      Action: SLR/RETURN if the classification cannot be derived from narrative.

    Are dates of construction and major alterations provided?

      Action: SLR/RETURN if the dates are not given under significant dates or in the text of Section 7 or Section 8.

    Does the description adequately assess all major features, including secondary resources, additions, and alterations?

      Action: RETURN if information is inadequate to assess primary or ancillary resources or alterations, or if descriptions in the text do not correspond to the photographs.

    Does the description in Section 7 or Section 8 contain an assessment that the resource retains integrity from the period of significance?

      Action: The justification may appear in Section 7 or in Section 8. RETURN if not included in either place.

    Are the unifying characteristics of resources in a district described?

      Action: RETURN. This is particularly important for archeological sites where the relationship of the components.

    For districts, is a list, coded map, or chart of all contributing and noncontributing resources provided?

      Action: RETURN if information is not included in one of these formats.

SECTION 8: SIGNIFICANCE, Areas of Significance SECTION 8: SIGNIFICANCE, Significant Person
    Is a significant person given for Criterion B?
      Action: SLR

    If a significant person is given and justified, is Criterion B specified?

      Action: SLR

    If the architect or builder is given as the significant person, is the property the home, studio, or other property eligible under Criterion B for this association?

      Action: SLR. Significant works by the architect are eligible under Criterion C as works of a master, or representative of a type, period, or method of construction. For these properties, the architect's name should be entered in the Architect/Builder blank, not the Significant Person blank.

    Is the significance of the person or persons under Criterion B justified in the text?

      Action: RETURN

    If a family or group is discussed for significance under Criterion B, are the contributions of specific family members clearly explained?

      Action: RETURN

    NOTE: When nomination documentation includes substantial information on a person or persons associated with the property, but Criterion B is not checked and the significant person section is blank, it will be assumed that the property is not significant for associations with a significant person or persons. In this case, the National Register staff will neither issue an SLR to add significant persons or check Criterion B, nor will it return the nomination.

SECTION 8: SIGNIFICANCE, Cultural Affiliation

    Have a cultural affiliation and general time period been provided for nominations submitted under D?
      Action: SLR

SECTION 8: SIGNIFICANCE, Statement of Significance
    Is the statement of significance adequate to define the significance of the resource?
      Action: RETURN

    Are all applicable criteria claimed justified?

      Action: SLR if changing the boxes or blanks on the registration form can correct the error. RETURN otherwise.

    Are all criteria considerations that apply to the resource justified?

      Action: SLR if changing the boxes or blanks on the registration form can correct the error. RETURN otherwise.

    Are all areas of significance claimed justified?

      Action: SLR if changing the boxes or blanks on the registration form can correct the error. RETURN otherwise.

    Are all periods of significance claimed justified?

      Action: SLR if changing the boxes or blanks on the registration form can correct the error. RETURN otherwise.

    Do the areas of significance directly relate to the specified criteria?

      Action: SLR if changing the boxes or blanks on the registration form can correct the error. RETURN otherwise.

    Do the periods of significance correspond to criteria and areas of significance?

      Action: SLR if changing the boxes or blanks on the registration form can correct the error. RETURN otherwise.

    Do significant dates fall within the period of significance?

      Action: SLR if changing the boxes or blanks on the registration form can correct the error. RETURN otherwise.

    Do chosen criteria and areas of significance correspond to the text?

      Action: SLR if changing the boxes or blanks on the registration form can correct the error. RETURN otherwise.

    Has a context within which the significance of the resource can be evaluated been established?

      Action: RETURN. It is not sufficient for a nomination to indicate that a property was connected to the events or themes given as context; the nomination must demonstrate the resource is significant within this context.

    Does the description in Section 7 or Section 8 contain an assessment that the resource retains integrity from the period of significance?

      Action: The justification may appear in Section 8 or in Section 7. RETURN if not included in either place.

    For properties meeting Criterion D, are potential research topics described and justified as important, and does the nomination discuss whether the resource will provide information to address the topics?

      Action: RETURN

    Is the bibliography sufficient to illustrate that appropriate research was conducted to develop the context and support the claims of the nomination?
      Action: RETURN

    Is acreage given in a measurement other than acres?
      Action: SLR

    Is acreage given to the nearest acre or tenth of an acre?

      Action: SLR

    Is the acreage accurate?

      Action: SLR

    Are all UTMs provided?

      Action: SLR. Latitude and longitude coordinates are acceptable if a USGS map with the UTM ticks is not available.

    Are at least 3 UTMs provided for property of 10 or more acres?

      Action: SLR

    Are UTMs accurate?

      Action: SLR

    Is a verbal boundary description (VBD) or a scaled sketch map provided?

      Action: RETURN. USGS maps with boundaries clearly indicated are accepted as substitutes in the case of archeological sites and other resources encompassing large areas.

    Are boundaries clearly defined, either with a VBD or maps? (If a sketch map is used in place of the VBD, it must be drawn to a scale of at least 1 inch equals 200 or fewer feet.)

      Action: RETURN. Vague legal references, such as "1/2 of lot 4" that do not actually locate the resource, are not acceptable.

    Are boundary lines fixed at definable permanent features, such as survey lines, property lines, a major road, or, in the case of archeological or large rural resources, UTM references?

      Action: RETURN

    Do the boundaries of the nominated property delineate a distinguishable eligible entity? Are all eligible resources included?

      Action: RETURN

    Has the overall area within the boundary been justified as being associated with the property during the period of significance?

      Action: RETURN. Rural properties often contain large areas that should be addressed in the nomination. Features of the land should be described and evaluated, and the inclusion of the land should be justified. "Buffer zones" are not acceptable.

    Are boundaries drawn to include the entire resource, not just parts of it?

      Action: RETURN. Boundaries should never be drawn through resources; for example, to exclude non-contributing additions. Portions of buildings and structures are not eligible for listing in the National Register.

    Are the boundaries clearly justified? The more complex the property, the more explicit the justification must be.

      Action: RETURN. For individual properties, the area historically associated with the property will suffice as an explicit justification. For districts that appear to include areas with a high concentration of non-contributing resources that easily could have been excluded, the nomination is returned for explicit justification. Discontiguous districts are particularly complex and require a clear, explicit justification.

    Has a USGS map with the location of the property and UTM references been provided?
      Action: RETURN

    Is a sketch map included for districts, archeological sites, or other complex resources?

      Action: RETURN

    Does the sketch map convey a sense of relative proportion and show the relationship of resources to one another?

      Action: RETURN. Graphic scales, while not required, are recommended.

    Are the photographs adequate to illustrate the present appearance of the resource, including major features and alterations, and general streetscapes or views of districts?
      Action: RETURN

    Except for archeological sites, do the photographs provide a clear view of the resource?

      Action: RETURN

    Are black and white photos included?

      Action: RETURN

    Are major photographs at least 3" x 5"?

      Action: RETURN

    Are photographs labeled according to the instructions in How to Complete the National Register Registration Form?

      Action: RETURN if stick-on labels are used.

    Do the photographs depict changes to significant features mentioned in the description?

      Action: RETURN if the omission precludes an evaluation of the resources.

    Are all items of the registration form filled in?
      Action: SLR. All sections of the registration form must either contain the relevant information or "N/A," except in cases cited above or itemized under "NOTE" below.


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