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Remedial Coursetaking
Table 31-1.  Number of entering freshmen at degree-granting institutions, and percentage of entering freshmen enrolled in remedial courses, by subject area and type of institution: Fall 1995 and 2000

    Percentage of entering freshmen enrolled in remedial courses in:
Type of institution Number of
entering freshmen
(in thousands)
Reading, writing,
or mathematics
Reading Writing Mathematics

All institutions 2,100 28 12 16 22
Public 2-year 936 40 19 24 32
Private 2-year1 53 26 11 19 23
Public 4-year 721 21 8 11 17
Private 4-year1 389 12 5 7 8
All institutions 2,396 28 11 14 22
Public 2-year 992 42 20 23 35
Private 2-year1 58 24 9 17 18
Public 4-year 849 20 6 9 16
Private 4-year1 497 12 5 7 8

1Data from private not-for-profit and for-profit institutions are reported together because there are too few private for-profit institutions in the sample to report them separately.

NOTE: Data reported for fall 2000 are based on Title IV degree-granting institutions that enrolled freshmen in 2000. Data reported for fall 1995 are based on degree-granting institutions that enrolled freshmen in 1995. Remedial education includes “courses on reading, writing, or mathematics for college students lacking those skills necessary to perform college-level work at the level required by the [sampled] institution.” Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: Parsad, B., and Lewis, L. (2003). Remedial Education at Degree-Granting Postsecondary Institutions in Fall 2000 (NCES 2004–010), table 4. Data from U.S. Department of Education, NCES, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Survey on Remedial Education in Higher Education Institutions,” fall 1995 and 2000.


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