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Secretary Paige Announces Approval of the Georgia Accountability Plan at the State Capitol Building (May 19, 2003)

Secretary Paige announces approval of the Georgia accountability plan as Rep. Johnny Isakson, Rep. Mac Collins, Rep. Denise Majette, Rep. Phil Gingrey, and State Superintendent Kathy Cox look on.  (May 19, 2003)

Secretary Paige announces approval of the Georgia accountability plan as Rep. Johnny Isakson, Rep. Mac Collins, Rep. Denise Majette, Rep. Phil Gingrey, and State Superintendent Kathy Cox look on.  (May 19, 2003) Secretary Paige listens during the press conference at the Georgia Capitol.  (May 19, 2003)


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Secretary Paige announces approval of the Georgia accountability plan as Rep. Johnny Isakson, Rep. Mac Collins, Rep. Denise Majette, Rep. Phil Gingrey, and State Superintendent Kathy Cox look on. (May 19, 2003)