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Mountain-Prairie Region
Endangered Species Program






Miscellaneous lynx information




5-Year Review


Critical Habitat


Listing Decision


ESA Consultations








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  How to avoid incidental take of  lynx while trapping or hunting bobcats or other furbearers brochure

  Fish and Wildlife Service Lynx Profile

  Ruggiero, L.F., Aubry, K.B., Buskirk, S.W., Koehler, G.M., Krebs, C.J., McKelvey, K.S., Squires, J.R.  2000.  Ecology and conservation of lynx in the United States

  Ruediger, B. et al. 2000.  Lynx Conservation Assessment and Strategy

Lynx - Bobcat Hybridization:

In 2003, scientists conducting DNA analysis of hair and tissue samples discovered the first evidence of hybridization between lynx and bobcat in the wild.

  Article: Schwartz et al. 2004.  Hybridization between lynx and bobcats

  Press release:  June 2, 2003  Scientists Confirm Hybridization of Canada Lynx with Bobcats in


  Questions and Answers regarding lynx and bobcat hybridization in Minnesota, June 2003

  Press release:  August 27, 2003  DNA Tests Confirm Hybridization of Canada Lynx with

      Bobcats in Maine



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