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Photo of Grasslands

When the first settlers of European descent came to northeast Missouri in the 1820’s there were impressive stands of native grasses and large tracts of timber. Most of the native grasses were plowed under to make way for crops and eventually many fields were planted in cool season grasses. Natural resource management efforts by the Corps at Long Branch for the reestablishment of native grasses include both seeding and prescribed burning. Most grassy areas contain some remnants of the original stands of native grasses including little bluestem, indiangrass, cordgrass, and barnyard grass. Wildflowers such as prairie blazing star, purple coneflower, asters, yarrow, bur marigold, ox-eye daisy, common sunflower, st. johnswort, and indian paintbrush are also present.

Of the 1,190 acres directly managed by the Corps at Long Branch, approximately 330 acres is in grass.

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30174 Visitor Center Road
Macon, MO 63552

Tel: 660-385-2108
Fax: 660-385-6653

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Kansas City District
601 E 12th Street
Kansas City, Mo 64106

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